Currently | September 2019

HOW is it already September?!?! Where did the time go? Honestly-- I'm not complaining, it's just crazy to me how time flies. Anyway, it's time for one of my favorite monthly posts! 

Currently, I am... 

more mindful purchases, especially with my clothing- I want the pieces I bring into my closet to be versatile and good for both work and lounging around the house. 

more photos of my daily life. I am trying to find a reasonable balance between seeing life through my phone and taking selective photos of special moments. I find with me, it's all or nothing.

new kitchen gadgets that I'm obsessing over. I was watching one of my favorite YouTubers the other day and she had an entire dedicated video about kitchen gadgets. Did you know a grape cutter was a thing? Or freezer bag holder? So exciting. You know you're an adult when you get stoked about attachable strainers, folks. 

I might be taking this one too literally, but I've been obsessed with watermelon lately. We've gotten such good ones from the grocery store recently. My dog Cooper has been loving it, too. 

towards our next big home renovation: central air/ heat. That is something we definitely need to outsource- my husband can basically do everything else but central air and electric work, so we are working on getting quotes and putting money towards that. 

Linking up with Anne


  1. I love Tiffani so much... I would say I want that watermelon cutter, but I'm the only one who eats watermelon in my house 🙁

  2. Mindful clothing purchases aren't always easy for me when it comes to seasonal transitions, because the stores are so good at making you want all the stuff, but I'm getting way better at it. I've been loving Everlane, with their really classic and versatile pieces, and the limited options they carry - so it just seems like enough is enough when you get a few good pieces! And central air/heat sounds like one of those projects that's not so fun to have to pay for, but TOTALLY worth it in the end :)


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