This week's favorites

Hello Friday, we meet again! Man am I glad it's the weekend. Let's talk favorites, shall we? 

My meal plan this week has been one of my favorites so far. It was super delicious and had really easy recipes! This week's lineup was: tacos, beef stir fry, chicken and broccoli casserole, homemade pizza, teriyaki chicken and veggies, and fajitas. I love that the meals we chose had only a few, really simple ingredients that are pantry staples, which made my grocery bill very reasonable. I also tried out a new recipe this week- slow cooker chicken and stuffing and it was so delicious. I made it for myself when Val went out for guys' night- he doesn't eat stuffing so I took advantage of him being out of the house haha.

Speaking of meal plans, I purchased a meal planning kit from Passionate Penny Pincher. It comes with 12 weeks of recipes, 72 meal cards, reusable grocery lists, some blank recipe cards, and a recipe box. It was on sale and I think it will be a worthwhile investment. The meals are made to be easy, "cook once eat twice" recipes with minimal ingredients, which is my jam lately. They also have freezer meal and slow cooker sets on the site. While technically the plan is the "summer series", they all still sound really delicious. I chose this box because it seemed to have a healthier meal plan, with less carb-heavy sides. I can't wait to start it. I think it will help vary up our dinners, since I tend to make the same things over and over again. 

I got to see one of my closest friends from work over the weekend for the first time in EIGHT months! We were both laid off in March, then quarantined, I had Izzy, then she had her baby, Izzy's bestie Tate, so she's been on maternity leave. I've missed her! We did our favorite thing: shop for home decor and go to Target haha. It was so nice seeing her. Texting is just not the same thing as in-person chats. 

A really random favorite thing of mine (for the past couple of months, really) has been a soup mug that my mom gave me for Christmas a couple years ago. I don't actually use it for soup, but I do use it for my coffee. It's huge and it comes with a lid- which is especially important, because my dog Cooper is ALWAYS stealing my morning coffee. If I leave it on the side table and turn my back for even a second, he runs to it as fast as he can. If you've never seen a caffeinated Chihuahua, it's definitely a sight to see!

Val and I love popcorn. Like, loooooove it. Its our favorite date night snack and we make homemade popcorn all the time. Back in the day we would buy bagged popcorn. Then we just started making it on the stove but it ruined our big pot. So we bought this popcorn maker on Amazon. I'm obsessed with it. The perforated top comes with a cap so it turns into a huge bowl- less dishes and super delicious, movies-style popcorn. We got it on Amazon and use it literally all the time. 
Have you guys watched The Home Edit on Netflix yet? I think I'm the last person on the planet to stream it but OMG I have no idea how I didnt know it existed! That show speaks to me on a deep, deep level- the containers! The neatness! The color coordination! Oh, it makes my heart sing. My husband did NOT feel the same way, however, when he went to open a cabinet and realized everything had been moved around haha. 
As I'm finishing this up, its Thursday night. Let me tell you though, I had to check my calendar like 5 times today to see what day it was. This has been the longest week ever! So I guess the final favorite I will leave you with... is that its the weekend! Whoohoo! 

Linking up with AllisonErika, Penny, & Rebecca Jo.  


  1. Fun favorites! How that popcorn bowl can flip over looks like a great idea for dishes! Yummy meal plan! Thanks for sharing your favorites! I'm visiting from the Penny's Friday Favorites link up today. Enjoy your weekend Felicia!

    1. Hi Marielle! I know, I'm obsessed with the popcorn maker haha. And the meals have been pretty good so far. Thanks for stopping by, I really like Penny's blog! Have a great weekend :)

  2. Thanks for the coffee and the chat. I'm definitely going to look up The Home Edit, sounds like a great show. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Maria. The Home Edit is addictive- be prepared to get sucked in for a few hours! Hope you enjoy the weekend :)

  3. OK… I did not know about that show… So you’re not the last person on earth, I am! Ha!
    And that meal plan thing looks intriguing. Thanks so much for sharing it.
    Happy weekend!

    1. Ha! I highly recommend it- get ready to become obsessed. :) I think the meal planning thing is pretty awesome so far! I'll have to do a post on it once I've used it a bit more. Thanks for stopping by :)

  4. Thanks for posting at Funtastic Friday . That dog must be addicted to caffeine. LOL

    1. Haha! I don't know what it is- it makes him so sick but he continues to go after it! The forbidden fruit I guess :)

  5. I've never heard of that show but I also don't even have Netflix.
    I can't believe the weekend is over already. I's gone toooo fast!

    1. You don't?! We use it since we don't have cable. I agree with the weekend being over way too quickly. Is it Friday yet?!

  6. Your dog steals your coffee?? That's the first time I heard of dogs liking coffee LOL but I can imagine it's hilarious :)

    That meal planning box sounds like a great Christmas gift idea. I've been meal planning for years now and we usually plan our meals on a piece of paper.... would be nice to have it all organized with recipes and all.

    1. HA yes, he throws up like 6 times then goes WILD with the craziest zoomies haha!

      I really really like it, you should check out the site! I was thinking of getting the slow cooker one for my sister, who hates cooking and whose oven doesn't work the best. They seem to be dump and go meals, which would be great for her.

  7. That meal plan box is so cute! I love that. I keep meaning to watch The Home Edit, so I really need to make that happen. It sounds like such a fun concept - and I like seeing other people organize things. LOL


  8. Your dog likes coffee?! That is a riot!
    I LOVE crockpot chicken and stuffing too. I haven't had it in forever, so I think I need to make it this week. My husband doesn't eat it either, so I usually get to eat it all week when I make it lol.
    Oh my gosh, I didn't realize you got laid off, I'm sorry! Was it because of COVID?


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