Currently | May 2019

Linking up today with Anne and Kristen to talk about all things life currently.

Admiring how people can read so many books per month. I try to read nightly, but sometimes by that time my brain doesn't have enough "oomph" to tolerate thinking anymore. Lately I'm lucky if I get in 20 pages before falling asleep.

Playing Jack Johnson radio on Pandora. I've loved him for over a decade now. I rediscovered the station last week and have been playing it nonstop since.
Also playing with decor around the house. I've been moving things around and using what I have to create what I think is a pretty cute space! I love our home and taking care of it brings me so much joy. 

Borrowing SO many books from Scribd. I am looking forward to reading Truly Devious, Bad Blood, The Death of Mrs. Westaway, and basically ALL of Taylor Jenkins Reid's backlist on audio AND ebook. Too much? (BTW, highly recommend checking out Scribd! It's a great, cheap-enough reading subscription service that I really enjoy and use often. There are so many new titles on there!)

Remembering that "no one can make you feel inferior without your consent". I had a really hard work day this week, and I'm trying to remember that I am doing my best- and that is all that can be asked of me. I shouldn't put myself down, especially based on rude commentary or feedback. Comparison is the thief of joy, they say. 

Finishing up some last minute details for a few client files in preparation for a caseload transfer to a new coworker. It has been a bit more stressful than I thought, and I am worried that she will look at everything and think, This girl has no idea what she's doing. She might be right, but I try really hard to provide meaningful programming and teaching strategies for the kiddos I work with. Doesn't mean that I don't get insecure about being competent enough. It's been on mind a lot and self-doubt always tends to creep up on me, so I get really anxious about it. Makes the whole "leave work at work" thing kind of hard for me to do. 

Also finishing up the HelloFresh meals I had in my fridge from the last two weeks. Last night I made Green Olive Pasta Puttanesca and I'm finishing the last of it for lunch today. I LOOOOVE this service because it is convenient, portions out my meals for me, and it provides so many new options to cook without putting too much thought into meal planning. If you're interested in my thoughts, you can read my in-depth review here.
And finally, finishing up deleting shit photos/ multiple copies of the same pics off my phone. Why do I keep blurry pictures/ random screenshots? 

Other fun life things.  are in the middle of planning 2 a Philly/ DC road trip we are doing with our friends in July! I LOVE DC, and I can't wait to go back. I've never been to Philly, so I'm excited to explore a new-to-me part of the U.S. We've been brainstorming all the cool places we are going to visit. It will be my second time going to DC, and hubby's first. He is SO excited.

And, let's not forget this gem: 
Happy May! So far, that's what I've been up to. What's new with you? I'd love to hear in the comments. 


  1. Some people just lovelovelove to read and choose it as their thing to do, I guess? I like to read a lot but sometimes I need a break lol. I try to do a book a week but it doesn't always happen.

    1. That would be my ideal goal I think! My Goodreads goal is 36 books this year. If I read 3 books per month it's a productive reading month for me! I go through phases where I'll read like 5 books in a week then don't pick up anything for 4 weeks. Its a balancing act, I guess :)

  2. My trick is to not read at night ;-) Lunchtime reading gets me a solid hour at a time that I'm fully awake! I still have some of Taylor Jenkins Reid's backlist to get to, but I've loved everything I have read by her so far - and I will say, my husband could not put down Bad Blood. And how fun to be planning a DC trip - I love going there. So much to do, and even better - so much of it is free!

    1. That is a good trick. TJR is so talented, I can't wait to read her other titles. I've heard good things about Bad Blood. People are saying its like a thriller for nonfiction. We'll see what I think about it! I can't wait until DC. That city is the best.

  3. I used to be a high volume reader and then things just kind of .... changed. Not sure what or why, but I'm lucky if I read/listen to 2 a month now. I still admire those high volume readers.

    I totally agree with the comparison is the thief of joy quote. Sooooo true!

    Visiting from What's New w/ You.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by :)

      It's crazy how a simple quote like that can really resonate with you. I have a hard time with that!

  4. I read a lot but it's my main hobby plus I've always been a fast reader. Where my boyfriend will come home and immediately switch on the TV, if I'm home alone I'm more likely to pick up a book.

    1. Reading is my main hobby as well- always has been! I've started trying to read while my husband is watching his tv shows that I can't get into. When he leaves for work (he works overnights) is when I try to read the most. I can read extremely quickly as well.

  5. Bahaha was not expecting the Justin Timberlake meme and properly laughed. When will that hair not be funny?!

    I've also been repurposing decor around our flat, and adding the odd new thing too. It brings me a lot of joy as well! We don't have a big place, and we're renting too, so there's only so much we can do but that kind of makes it more of a challenge.

    At work we have a huuuuge feedback culture which can sometimes be quite tough. The way I see it, this person is telling me this so that I can be the best I can be. It's not a personal attack. For me, that makes it a lot easier to take on board!

    If, however, it clearly is a personal attack/not true/not helpful, then I don't need to take any notice of it at all. Luckily that doesn't really happen at this job, but it did at my old job... Just one reason it's my old job :)

    1. Hahaha that meme (or his hairstyle) will be forever etched in my mind... it will never NOT be funny lol.

      I like your take on the feedback bit. I try really hard to take it constructively, but I still tend to beat myself up over it. It's weird!

  6. Oh, I love reading, but yeah, sometimes it's hard to fit in the time! That's awesome you have two upcoming trips to look forward to! I hope they are both a blast. And I LOVE that quote from Eleanor Roosevelt. SO TRUE.


    1. I love that quote as well. Gives me some gumption on my more timid days :)

  7. I rarely watch TV or scroll endlessly through my phone, so my spare time is reading time as a default. Don't compare your reading pace to other people's - read at your own and enjoy it.

    1. Screen time is something I've been trying to limit for sure! I recently downloaded the Moments app on my Samsung and was disgusted at how much time I spend scrolling through mindlessly. I've deactivated my FB but instagram just sucks me in sometimes! I just did an IG friends detox so it's not as huge of a list, which helps.

  8. reading is pretty much my only hobby and i don't really watch tv, so that's the only reason i am able to read so much. but i'm like you, when i lay down, i last a few minutes, max. my husband always reads for like an hour in bed each night and i'm over here falling asleep haha. i read much better sitting on the couch or something. but i agree with steph, don't compare to other people. i see people who read double what i do, there will always be someone who reads more or less and it's not a competition. i have been thinking of checking out scribd! glad you like it.

    1. Ha. I could fall asleep in a wooden chair if I was tired enough. I can't keep my eyes open!

      I love scribd. It's a cool service that gives you so many options for an affordable price. I hope you enjoy it if you check it out!


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