What's Up Wednesday May 2019

HOW is it almost June? I can't believe how time is flying this year. Regardless, here is what's been going on in May... 

What we're eating this week...
We are a bit backed up on HelloFresh meals in the fridge, so we've been finishing off last week's box- pork carnitas tacos & Korean-style chicken and rice bowls. Our next order that comes in on Thursday has recipes/ ingredients for sausage and spring pea risotto, blackened chicken penne, and crusty maple mustard chicken. Yum! I love this service. If you're interested, you can read my detailed review that I wrote here

What I'm reminiscing about...
The Big Bang Theory... I'm so sad that the series is over. It was a huge part of my life, and something that no matter what, my husband and I made time to watch and discuss together. I loved Penny's post talking about the end of the series- I felt the exact same way. It was neat for her to include fun facts about the show as well.  

What I'm loving...
I have been loving learning how to refininish furniture. It's so much hard work, but I feel so fulfilled while doing it! I have also been loving going for walks. It used to be my least favorite form of exercise, but I have been really enjoying including a walk as part of my daily routine! 

What we've been up to...
So, SO much. May has been crazy. Earlier in the month, I shared what's new with me and what I have been admiring, playing, borrowing, remembering, and finishing (post here).

I transferred some of my client caseload to a new coworker and that was more stressful than I anticipated. Almost 2 years in and I still feel Imposter Syndrome... that can be a post for another time but I talked about it a bit here

My grandfather passed away after a long, grueling fight with cancer and we had tons of family staying with us, we finished up our guest room, and I bought myself some new clothes (post here).

We were off last week from work, watched a ton of Marvel movies, have been up to our necks in home projects (refinishing our kitchen table, yard work, prepping the home for summer) (post here), and we had a pretty fun and busy Memorial Day weekend (post here).

And now, we are getting back into the swing of things of our regular routines as we go back to work. It's been a doozy of a month, that's for sure.

What I'm dreading...
That back to work grind... I am still on vacation mode and have been having a hard time getting back into the routine of the work week. I am missing my leisurely at home days, but what can you do. I need to work, there are bills to pay. And, my husband is on forced 7 days/ week overtime until further notice. 😞  I'll have to keep myself busy on the weekends, because I know I'm going to be pretty lonely.

I'm also dreading my upcoming doctor appointment. I am going to talk to my doctor about our 14 consecutive months of unsuccessful conception and I hope to get some answers, or at least start that process. I've been avoiding going because honestly, I'm scared. But, it could also be nothing, so I'm trying to stay positive and not work myself up too much. I can get pretty panicky about medical things.

What I'm working on...
I have a ton of projects in mind, but I really want to finish going through my closet and donate stuff I don't wear anymore. I hope my husband finishes that, as well. 

What I'm excited about...
Sunshine! And our upcoming summer plans: we are planning a day trip to Hampton Beach, I'd love to hit up Martha's Vineyard, and in July we are going on a Philly/ DC/ Baltimore road trip! I've been making lists of places to visit and restaurants to try out. Its going to be a blast. 

Also, I ordered a ton of new workout clothes from Dick's Sporting Goods and Macy's, so I'm super excited to receive those and see how they fit. My workout wardrobe needed an upgrade, that's for sure. 

What I'm watching/ reading...
I have been watching Shield (I use it more as background noise, honestly) and Lucifer on Netflix. I LOVE that show! I never watched it while it was on TV, but I finally gave in after seeing it pop up on my Netflix recommended tab over and over again. I haven't laughed out loud at a TV show so much since The Big Bang Theory. Also, we have been watching all the Marvel movies in chronological order (mentioned here). 

I read A Court of Mist and Fury (post here), The Girl Before
 by JP Delaney, and A Killer's Mind by Mike Omer. For my next read, I have several options on my radar: The Great Alone, The Unhoneymooners, Year One, or Clockwork Angel

What I'm listening to... 
I've been on a Kenny Chesney kick (not really new, he's a favorite artist of mine for sure). At work I've had Jack Johnson playing in my earbuds... relaxing music for my stressed out brain, haha.

What I'm wearing... 
It was finally warm enough go break out the shorts!!! I've been loving a crisp white tee with denim, my blush pink sneakers, and a baseball hat. 
Also... PSA: I wore a crop top and shorts AND the world didn't end. Needless to say, I felt pretty cute in it! 
I felt SO pretty in this outfit that I donned for date night last weekend (don't mind the weird hair- I forgot to take a photo on the actual night so this was taken the next day).

And I LOVE my new denim jacket. I haven't had one in years so its been fun to wear one again. I admittedly don't like the denim-on-denim look, so I have only been wearing this with dresses or my only pair of non-blue, black jeans. I'll have to invest in colored bottoms for the spring and summer to make pairing the jacket with outfits easier.

What I'm looking forward to next month... 
My mom graduates with her Associates degree, I get to cuddle (AKA, babysit) an extra puppy for a week while my mom and sister go on a cruise, I plan on doing more home projects, and I am going to see Chris Young and Chris Janson in concert with a good friend! Lots of good things coming up next month. 

Linking up with Shay and Lindsay.


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