My quick tips for a tidy home

I was not a naturally tidy person growing up. I was a big proponent of the "floordrobe", AKA having the entirety of my closet on the floor. I rarely put things away. Dishes always piled up. It took me a while to learn habits (re: get over myself and just do it) that essentially resulted in our home being ready for last minute visitors, pretty much whenever. It's pretty freeing.

I'm not saying that the house is spotless 24/7. But, over the years I have definitely formed simple habits, and now our home is tidy 90% of the time.

1. Less horizontal space = less clutter. I don't have a ton of furniture to decorate. No coffee table, minimal table decor, a small side table. I like it that way. Less clutter for me to deal with (and look at).

2. I load the dishwasher every night and run it every morning before leaving for work

3. I follow the 1 minute rule- if it takes 1 minute or less, I just do it. Future self will thank you.

4. Every night, I do a 15 minute pre-bed tidy. I put away the dog toys, fold blankets, clear off the table. Waking up to a tidy home does wonders for your peace of mind.

5.  For a less cluttered look on furniture, I corral things into trays to make it look much more styled yet minimal- that way, stuff does not spread out over every horizontal space.

Do you have any good tips for keeping your home consistently tidy? Let us know in the comments below!


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