Friday Favorites! | vacation, DIYs, Marvel movies, spring decor, and more

Happy Friday, ya'll!  These posts are always a good opportunity to take a step back and take inventory of all the amazing things that have been happening lately. I'm excited to share some of them with you! 

Vacation. I was off this week, and so was my husband! I had been debating not taking time off since I had taken bereavement the week before, but I couldn't pass up quality time with my better half, when we get so little of it during the regular work week. I am so glad I did. I felt guilty at first, but I needed this break. I feel refreshed and ready to get back into the swing of things with my clients and staff. 

Refinishing our kitchen table. I might make this a separate post altogether, but on my week's vacation from work I refinished, stained, and painted our kitchen table, chairs, and bench. It was SO. MUCH WORK. But, I gotta admit, I loved it. I think I've found a new hobby. I will add the after picture to this post once its done!

The end of day 2... I was so tired, but honestly so fulfilled.. and happy! 
And "after"! Just missing the backs of the chairs...
Marvel Marathon. Hubby and I have embarked on a marvel movie marathon, watching all the movies in chronological order culminating in Endgame. We've actually already watched both Captain Marvel and Endgame, but I was genuinely confused timeline-wise, so I wanted to (be a nerd) do some research about what the heck was going on in the universe and get a better gripping on it. Hence, the marathon. I'm always saying, "I don't like superhero movies",  but it's actually been pretty fun! We are going off this list and so far have crossed off Captain America: The First Avenger, Captain Marvel, and Iron Man. If anything, it has made us have simple date nights at home together, which I've loved. 

Spring decor. I'm finally done with some simple spring decor in our home. I know I've said this before, but I don't like a ton of clutter and because of that consciously don't have many flat surfaces to decorate, so it's pretty simple this year- just florals on my living room side table and kitchen table, and some pops of yellow in the living room. Once my kitchen table is up and running again, I can add a picture of it with the decor. For now I will show you the temporary setup. 
Living room side table
Love the pops of yellow with the pillow and florals
Our simple entry
The temporary home for my table top decor...

Blog refresh (and learning more about how things work on the platform). I have been tweaking and working on my blog settings and I think I really think how the simple design of my blog looks! It took FOREVER to figure out the settings and how to use them, but I'm grateful that blogger is pretty easy to use overall. I'm loving the cute powder pink theme I've got going on. Perfect for spring!

Garden gnome. My grandfather's funeral flowers included this beautiful planter. My aunt asked the florist if they could fit in a little garden gnome, because I used to say that he looked like a garden gnome with his white hair, slight belly and small face. She and my grandmother let me have the gnome to keep. I love it and the planters are currently sitting on my front porch. I'll eventually bring the gnome in and give him a permanent home in my year-round decor. It will be really special to have something that reminds me of my grandfather around the house. 

BEAUTIFUL WEATHER (and being outdoors with my little family). No explanation needed for that! It was the perfect weather to work outside. I even got a little sunburn. Cooper (my dog) loved being outside all week as well. We bought Cooper a yard leash, so that he could wander around without me panicking about him running away. He LOVED it, but let me tell you, he was POOPED by the time we called it a day. He slept so good all week!

Spending time with my husband. AKA, the best part of the week. I'm going to miss him so much when we both go back to working our crazy jobs and passing each other in between our shifts. 

Funny DIY/ homeowner memes. These are hilarious, totally relatable, and sum up the week really well...

This one is only half true...
Hubby knows what he's doing.
I, however, dont. 😂

Puppy pictures of the week. I think this is going to have to be a permanent fixture in these posts, because my dog is just too dang cute to not be featured... 
SO serious...  I love his white whiskers.
Cooper thinks blogging is lame.
He's obviously the only thing that can go directly in my lap...
This one is my favorite from the week. So precious. 
Exhausted from watching us work. 
He's a good supervisor... 
That's it from me for this edition of Friday Favorites. I'd love to know some of yours as well!

Linking up with WhitneyErika, Jerri, and Beth


  1. I can totally relate to the home improvement drama. My husband doesn't mind going to Lowes a million times per project but ONLY because Lowes is about 10 minutes from our house. He's gone at least 3 times during one project and I was over that shit QUICK.

    I CONSIDERED doing a superhero marathon (over like a million years because I don't watch much TV) and watching all the movies because I've only seen a few.. but it's peer pressure because everyone else is watching this movie and I'm missing out, obvs. IDK. It's such a commitment though, lol.

    PS. You visited my blog and left a comment but I have no way to directly respond to your comment because you're a no-reply blogger (when you leave a comment, an email address is not associated with your account so I cannot reply to the email I receive when I get a comment). :(

    1. Ahh... that DIY life lol.
      You're right, the marvel movie marathon is a HUGE committent, I think the list is over 20 movies long!
      Hm...thanks so much for letting me know about the comment issue. Do you know how I can change that? Still trying to figure everything out in the blog world lol.


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