Our Memorial Day Weekend

Happy Monday, y'all. I gotta be honest, with everything going on I completely forgot it was Memorial Day weekend! Here's what we got up to. 

Friday was an extremely productive day. I got a ton checked off my deep cleaning to-do list, including cleaning out my toaster, deep cleaning the fridge, scrubbing down the cabinets, and taking apart and cleaning the vacuum. I also meal prepped my favorite low-carb Mexican beef casserole and cleaned my kitchen floor. Whew! 

I didn't sleep well Friday night, so I slept in late Saturday morning. We had a late brunch and got back to work. Hubby worked in Isabela's room, while I tackled more off my deep cleaning to-do list. Then we worked together to hook up the fridge so we could finally have a working ice maker. By the end of that project I had to reclean my entire kitchen, from dusting to reorganizing cabinets to washing the floor. It was dinner time when we finished- we were both too pooped to cook, so we opted for Portuguese take out. I took a shower shortly after then we snuggled up in bed to watch NCIS reruns. 
My poor kitchen... 😫

Much better 😍

My favorite way to spend a Saturday night:
Cuddled up with my cute hubby and pups ❤

Sunday was a rest day for us after a week of working non-stop. My mom and grandmother came over for a socially distant cookout. Val grilled burgers and hotdogs. I made pasta and potato salad. When my family left, we decided to visit with our friends in their backyard. It was a pretty good day overall.

I got some fun packages on Sunday- my new mats for our front porch. I love how they look layered! The black and white one is from Target's Opal House brand. 

As I write this, today is Memorial Day. It looks like it will be a rainy day, so I think we will just do stuff around the house again. I hope everyone had a good holiday weekend. And I just wanted to say a big "thank you" to all our veterans who have served and sacrificed so we don't have to.

Linking up with Lindsay.


  1. We did have a good weekend. It rained a few times off and on and wasn't nearly as warm and sunny as predicted but we didn't let that stop us from getting our dock in, going on a hike, and just relaxing.

  2. Love the door mat! Thanks for joining our linkup!

  3. Glad you had a nice weekend! Looks like you tackled some big projects, and I'm glad you were able to hang out with some family too.



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