Working on Isabela's room, family time, bonfires, and yummy dessert

I haven't posted a weekend recap in forever! My husband is home with me now for the next few weeks so I thought now would be the time to capitalize on and record our weekend fun together. 

Friday afternoon was my first postpartum follow-up with my OB. We had a telehealth appointment and talked about what happened with Isabela's birth and our next steps. It was really emotional to dive back in to the details of her labor and delivery and I was honestly so drained after the appointment. The rest of the afternoon was spent working on our daughter's room, which I needed. We started the shiplap wall and I wrote her little notes behind the planks so she can read them in Heaven. It made me smile and I hope she loves them. We ended Friday night with eating leftovers and watching a movie on the couch with the pups. We watched The Money Pit, starring Tom Hanks. He is probably one of my favorite actors, ever. We enjoyed the movie and went to sleep shorty after.

I laughed so much at this scene. Cooper seems enthralled, as well.

On Saturday morning, I got up before noon (such an accomplishment for me these days), made a coffee, and sent my baby girl a happy 2 weeks birthday wish up to Heaven. I wrote her a letter and read my devotional. I stared at her half finished wall and cried. Then I closed the door to her bedroom, took my dogs out and took a shower. Grief, I've learned, is not linear. The 7 stages of grief, or whatever it is called, do NOT happen in succession, one after another. I feel a million emotions everyday, and often many at once. I can cry thinking about her missed opportunity of life, become wracked with guilt about how she didn't survive yet I did, get angry about the entire situation and it's unfairness, become completely numb, then start doing tasks around the house like nothing happened-- all in the span of 5-10 minutes. It's pretty exhausting to be honest, and by nighttime I'm more tired than I've ever felt before. 
 The devotional I am currently reading every morning

Anyway, I digress. The rest of Saturday included finishing putting up the planks on her wall. My husband started the spackling process. We are going to sand it next. After we were done, my husband went to decompress at the shooting range while I chose to stay home and do some deep cleaning. We have very different ways of relaxing lol. We ended the night with grilling burgers for dinner and having a bonfire outside.  
I am so obsessed with how her wall is turning out.

Mom's spot stealer

On Sunday, we decided to take a rest day from projects and spent the day together as a family at home. We woke up late, Val went to the bakery for some papo secos [AKA: Portuguese rolls] and sweet bread for breakfast, we binged Netflix, and ordered takeout for dinner. My mom came over in the afternoon and we made my hubby's favorite Portuguese desert, Molotof, which he thoroughly enjoyed. [Molotof is a super light dessert based around caramel, egg whites, and sugar. It looks similar to flan but is very different at the same time. It's really good but super sweet. My mom followed the recipe from this video and it took her 3 tries to make it right haha. Disclaimer: the video, in case you're interested in watching/ trying this, is in Portuguese and uses the metric system for ingredient measurements.] Unrelated, fun fact: I had to Google if dessert was spelled with 1 -s or 2. Yikes.

Now I am relaxing on the couch, with both pups on my lap and my sweet husband at my side. Today was the perfect May Sunday, in my opinion. Tomorrow and the next few days will be spent sanding, spackling, and hopefully painting our sweet girl's walls. I may have to take it easy though, because doing manual labor only two weeks portpartum kind of kicked my butt, haha. Hubby will pick up the slack, no problem, though- all I have to do is ask. 

Hope you all had a great weekend! Cheers to the spring weather and here's to hoping that the pandemic is slowly subsiding. 

Linking up with Lindsay


  1. I can't believe you're doing manual labour this soon. So much respect! After two weeks I was just back at work and 8 hours of sitting in front of a computer had me exhausted (I had anaemia after my loss and was put on ironing drops for 8 weeks).

    1. Ha! Thanks, but in retrospect, it probably wasn't my best idea ever... I learned my lesson that's for sure. I think my husband will probably finish the project lol.

  2. I am so sorry for your loss.. grief is definitely not linear!

    I too tend to over do things; I had a D&C after my first delivery and tried going for a day of shopping with my mom and sister less than 2 weeks postpartum and I literally thought i was going to pass out by the time I returned home.

    1. Thank you so much! ❤

      Same here! I don't know why, but "productive" is my favorite mindset, especially when trying to keep my mind busy.

  3. The Money Pit is one of my FAVORITE movies of all time!! Also, I have to tell you that with my fourth baby I had a very traumatic delivery. Long story short, I had an Amniotic Fluid Embolism in the middle of an emergency c-section, I died on the table, twice, but they were able to get Lucy out and she was OK. Obviously, I'm still alive but I have a LOT of significant medical issues since and I know it is a fluke thing, you can't prevent/predict an AFE but I feel extreme guilt. I'm not the same person for one thing, I'm not the same mom to my other kids, and I'm a depressed mess. So you're right, grief isn't linear. You'll find you'll bounce between stages and hit some a few times. I am four years out and even still, I get so upset I break down. I've had a miscarriage and again, I can feel that loss like it happened an hour ago. I won't give you platitudes because those always made me a little bit angry. What I will say is to think about therapy/counseling. I really fought against it a long time and once I started going its become my lifeline. Literally at points. Hugs. <3

    1. Thank you for the kind comment! I agree. I think therapy would be a great next step. It stinks that most of those kinds of appointments are through telehealth/ video chat. That makes me slightly uncomfortable- but hopefully restrictions will lighten up soon. I'm looking into support groups as well.

      I'm sorry to hear about your difficult labor and struggles post-baby. I hope you find some relief for the medical issues you experienced!


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