Three on Thursday

Linking up with Dani and Michael today for their Three on Thursday link-up! I love link-ups that have prompts. It's a cool way to find out more about the bloggers you read and engage with that you might not have otherwise ever discovered. 

Three Creature Comforts: reruns of NCIS, rewatching favorite (and cheesy) movies [Burlesque, Mamma Mia!, The Holiday], my morning coffee

Three Comfort Foods: mac and cheese, chicken tenders, turkey club 
I had the Honey Chipotle Crispers from Chili's this week. Yum.

Three New Recipes Attempted: one entree and a couple desserts- breaded buffalo chicken (recipe adapted/ recreated from HelloFresh), apple pie, Molotof 

Three Things Entertaining Me Right Now: blogging, working on our daughter's room, window shopping online for home decor

Three Shows or Movies Recently Watched: Bad Mom's Christmas, Manifest, The Movies That Made Us

Top Three Songs Played: anything by Luke Combs; God, Your Mama, and Me by Florida Georgia Line; Prayed For You by Matt Stell
 I love me some Luke. 

Three Recent Purchases: 2 mats to layer on my front stoop; a new quilt for our bed from the Hearth & Hand line; a couple of devotionals to read daily written for angel mamas
Three Things Keeping Me Sane: my hubby and (somedays) my dogs; warmer weather/ sunshine; my daily cleaning routine

Three Things That I Miss Most (people, places, things): running errands; meeting friends for coffee or dinner; seeing my coworkers everyday

Three Things I'm Looking Forward To: a haircut, getting a pedicure, and roaming the aisles of Home Goods. #noshame
Me at TJ Maxx/ Home Goods' before they open their first day back... 


  1. Ooh girl, I still have my gift certificate to Venus from Christmas... Not thrilled that literally the ENTIRE thing will be on a pedi, but eh, what can I do...

  2. I miss just roaming stores like HomeGoods and bookstores as well. It's just so nice and relaxing!!!


  3. I have both HomeGoods and TJ Maxx within walking distance from my apartment, and I miss browsing the aisles so much! I love buffalo chicken too, so I'm heading over to check out that recipe. Thank you for linking up!


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