What's Up Wednesday!

Happy What's Up Wednesday! I haven't done one of these in a really long time. I'm glad to be getting back in to the groove of things here on my blog. May has been a hard month. I have said this A LOT lately, but  here's a little backstory in case you haven't read any of my previous posts: we sadly lost our beautiful daughter Isabela in the beginning of the month, on May 2nd, when I went into preterm labor at only 21 weeks and 5 days. So this month has been a weird mix of grieving, healing, and taking time to reconnect with my husband. Here's a better recap of what we've been up to:

What we're eating this week: 
Big Mac Salad is on repeat over here for my lunches! I am also pretty obsessed with Sandy's Kitchen Mexican Beef Casserole. I make it at least once every couple weeks and eat it throughout the week. SO delicious. Other than that, we are eating lots of grilled food (chicken, burgers, veggies) with low-carb sides.

What I'm reminiscing about: 
Being pregnant with my little babe. I loved every minute of it! I miss my girl so much. I would have been 25 weeks & 3 days today. 

What I'm loving:
Window shopping online, blogging (especially about my baby girl), NOT watching media coverage or press conferences surrounding COVID-19, clean with me videos on YouTube (don't ask me why, it's just so satisfying), the Pioneer Woman's Staying Home series, homemade stovetop popcorn (hubby makes it the BEST), and Tillamook ice cream. Our favorite flavors so far: Vanilla (basic but SO good), Chocolate Peanut Butter, and Caramel Toffee Crunch. 

What we've been up to: 
Mostly, we have been trying to keep ourselves busy and finishing Isabela's room. I have also been blogging a lot and playing around with photo editing apps. 

What I'm dreading: 
Going back to work in a couple weeks... I'm not ready to face "real life" yet. Maybe I will feel more up to it by then. I'm also dreading picking up my baby girl's ashes from the funeral home. It makes this all so much more real. 

What I'm working on: 
Baby girl's room. Deep cleaning things I never get a chance to do. And sprucing up the house with new decor.

What I'm excited about: 
Seeing my vision for my daughter's room come to life. Very different than what I had imagined, but it will be beautiful all the same. 

What I'm reading: 
Lots of books surrounding baby loss and grief, unfortunately. My daily devotional has been Loved Baby. I have also been dipping in and out of You Are Not Alone: Love Letters from Loss Mom to Loss Mom. I want to get back into fiction next month, though. I need the escape. 

What I'm watching: 
Manifest, Blindspot, and catching up on Hawaii 5-0

What I'm listening to: 
Spotify, mostly and lots of Country music. Since I have been quarantined and not driving much, I haven't had the chance to listen to my normal country radio stations in the car, so getting back into that has been nice. 

What I'm wearing: 
Trying my hardest to wear actual clothing and NOT pajamas. It is such a struggle lol. 

What I'm doing this weekend: 
I have no idea! I'm assuming spend time outside with the pups, more grilling, maybe try to hit up a beach? My heart needs to be near the water. 

What I'm looking forward to next month: 
While I'm not looking forward to going back to work, I am looking forward to (hopefully) seeing my coworkers and kiddos again. I am pretty anxious about starting daily life again, but I'm hoping it will be a welcome distraction. Also, a full paycheck will be nice, haha. 

Linking up with Shay and Lindsay


  1. I am so very sorry to hear about your daughter. Sending you so much love and prayers as you continue to navigate this journey without her.

  2. I thought that ice cream was candles... I love both though LOL. Never heard of that kind, but I'll definitely have to try it!
    I absolutely LOVE how your welcome mats are layered like that. SO cute! We also live in a raised ranch. Ours was built by our great-grandparents, and we bought it from my grandfather. Do you guys like yours and think you'll stay in it permanently?


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