My first Friday Favorites in a while

It seems a little weird- and honestly, wrong- to be doing a Friday Favorites post so soon after losing our daughter Isabela Rose 2 weeks ago to preterm labor. But as I was thinking about it, I decided it's also the perfect time because these posts really make me pay attention to the little things that make me feel grateful and blessed every single day. So here goes… a Friday favorites, in the middle of processing our loss and grieving as a bereaved mother. 

Warm weather. The past 2 days especially have been so beautiful. Today I am actually wearing shorts for the 1st time this season. My windows and blinds are all open and the house is so bright. I think that's important when all I want to do is lay in bed in my dark bedroom all day. We took the dogs outside in the yard yesterday, and they were so pooped from playing that they slept the rest of the day. Another win with two hyper and loud Chihuahuas.

Working on our baby girl's room. I don't necessarily think this is a decision everyone in our situation would make, but we decided to continue and finish our daughter's room for her, even though she will not be coming home to it. I think it will give us closure and really just help us process everything that is going on. We already purchased the shiplap planks to put on her wall and all her furniture came in the week that she passed. I'm going to do an angel theme in there, and I'm currently looking for some large angel wings to put over her bed. 

I wrote little notes and drew on Isabela's wall behind the shiplap.
Our little secret, sweet girl. I hope this makes you smile. 💕👼

Spotify. Listening to music has been a godsend for me, especially because there are already-created playlists surrounding specific themes. The pregnancy and infant loss playlist on Spotify especially has been so helpful for me. The playlist seems to have put into words the feelings and thoughts I have come across since losing Isabela. 

My mom. My mom has been instrumental in helping us since we lost our daughter. The week we came home from the hospital without her, my mom stayed the entire week. She took time off work to help keep me company and help around the house. She checks in on me every single day and for that I'll be forever thankful. It stinks that a tragedy like this had to bring us closer but I'm honestly really glad it did. My husband has really appreciated her support because she's been there for him during this time, too. 

Sympathy card. My husband and I were completely floored when in the mail today we received a sympathy card from the hospital staff where we delivered Isabela. Every single nurse and doctor that worked with us signed a note to us and it was so touching that they thought of us even 2 weeks later. I'll never forget the qaulity of care, compassion, and kindness we received from the amazing staff there. I was so touched.

My husband. I don't think I could have done this post without mentioning him. He has been my rock and I have tried just as hard to be his. We have leaned on each other so much the past 2 weeks and it has strengthened our marriage in more ways than I could ever have imagined. He is my heart and I will forever be thankful for him. 

Linking up with Erika and Lindsay


  1. My first post after losing the twins was an outfit post. It did feel weird to post something that seemed so frivolous buy at the same time it helped me to be able to do something *normal*. Nobody can be sad 100% of the time but that doesn't make the grief any less real. I'm glad you were able to think of some happy things despite everything and that your mum could be there for you.

    My fertility clinic sent us a sympathy card. I still have it in the little memory box I put together for the boys. It was so unexpected but so nice.

    1. That's very true.
      Ours was unexpected as well. It was so nic . Good idea about putting it in the memory box! The hospital gave us one with her things in it. We haven't opened it yet but I think i will definitely save the card and out it in theee.

  2. It must feel so weird to go about every day life without her there with you, inside you, growing. You are strong and I’m glad you have each other to hold eachother up. Xo

    1. Its very weird and honestly I feel guilty 99% of the time!


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