Dear Isabela | Waking up is hard without you here

Our daughter, Isabela Rose, was born and died on May 2nd, 2020. I went into preterm labor at 21 weeks and 5 days after a failed emergency cerclage procedure and developing an infection. I had to deliver my perfect baby girl before her body was ready to enter this world, but she was a fighter. She lived for 1 hour and 45 minutes in our arms, and her Daddy and I loved her the best we could during that time. I started writing letters to her the day after she was born, to help me process our immense loss and grief. 

"I lost my heart to you, little one, forever, for always, it's yours." 
-Zoe Clark Coates

May 5th, 2020 


Waking up feeling more and more normal is like taking a piece of heart out every morning. Watching my stomach go down instead of swell up with you inside me is another reminder that you are not here with us. And I'm so sorry my love, that you are in Heaven and not in Mommy's belly. Everyday I cry, beg, and pray to God to let me go back to your really painful bladder kicks and all the uncomfortable sleeping positions. I pray that he takes me back to the aches and pains that reassured me you were growing. Dancing. Able to breathe and feel and starting to hear. I pray that he brings me back to when I could feel you move after eating your favorite foods and you and I could have those special bonding moments at night. To go back to 21 weeks 4 days, so that Daddy might have a chance to feel you doing your flips in Mommy's belly. He never got that blessing, and it breaks my heart. I pray all this, everyday, but mostly I pray that this never happened. And I will never stop. Mommy will always pray for you, for Daddy, for our family. 

I love you, forever and ever, to Jupiter and back. 



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