Let's chat books | I Dare Ya book tag
Hey everyone, I thought today I'd try something a little different. I read Audrey's responses to the I Dare Ya book tag, and loved the prompts so much I decided I wanted to give it a go, as well. Thank you for the inspiration, Audrey! I couldn't for the life of me find the original creator of this tag, so if anyone knows I'd love for you to tell us in the comments.
What book has been on your shelf the longest?
I still have some books I read in middle school that I for some part can't part with... they have made it through SEVERAL decluttering sessions over the last decade. I've decided they're probably here to stay. I still have Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret and Forever by Judy Blume and The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. And obviously, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.
What is your current read, your last read, and the book you’ll read next?
Current Read: A Killer's Mind by Mike Omen
Last read: The Girl Before by JP Delaney
Next read: I have no idea! I'm thinking The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah.
What book did everyone like, but you hated?
I'd say November 9 by Colleen Hoover, but that is actually a pretty polarizing book (I was SO disappointed by that book; she is my favorite author and I was so sad I didn't like it). I think for the most part, Sadie by Courtney Summers. I didn't hate it, but I kept waiting for it to wow me and it honestly didn't. I gave it 3 stars on Goodreads.
What book do you keep telling yourself you’ll read, but you probably won’t?
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I've tried so many times and I get bored within 5 pages!
What book are you saving for retirement?
Hmm. I'm not sure? Maybe by then I can finally get to reading A Song of Ice and Fire.
Last page: read it first or wait ’til the end?
I have a history of spoiling myself by reading the last page! I usually do when it when I'm nervous after an intense scene or if the book is dragging and I'm bored.
Acknowledgment: waste of paper and ink or interesting aside?
I honestly don't read it...
Which book character would you switch places with?
I read a lot of creepy books so this one is hard to think about... I guess I would like to switch places with Monique. the journalist in The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. She has a cool job and got to hear first-hand an incredible story from an infamous old-Hollywood actress. Not to mention she's going to come into a lot of money once she publishes that book.
Do you have a book that reminds you of something specific in your life (place, time, person)?
Yes! All my middle grade books remind me of specific grades that I read them. The Outsiders reminds me of 5th grade and my teacher Mrs. Johnson, who I remember saying that it was still her favorite book. My Brother Sam is Dead reminds of me 7th grade, my interest in the American Revolution (which is long gone, spoiler alert!), and exchanging notes in the front pages of the book with a friend when we switched classes. Forever reminds me of giggling over the intimate scenes with my middle school girl friends. The Raven reminds me of my favorite-ever English teacher, drawing a raven hammered to a wall. Obviously, Harry Potter and all my memories of theorizing and fangirling with my bestie Lauren. Books hold so many memories for me. Growing up as a shy little girl, books were my best friends.
Name a book that you acquired in an interesting way.
I was in a little shop during a girl's getaway to Connecticut and had just gotten engaged. We were talking about wedding planning and how overwhelming it was, and the shop owners heard us talking. They actually gave me the most darling book that they had in their shop, Stuff Every Bride Should Know, and wished me luck in my future marriage. I thought that was so sweet! I use it now as a decor piece in my kitchen table centerpiece.
Have you ever given a book away for a special reason/to a special person?
I gave my friend Kylee the book All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover. We are both struggling with the main theme in that story and when it really resonated with me, I knew I had to share it with her.
Which book has been with you to the most places?
Probably the Harry Potter books. I could also cheat and say that my Kindle is usually with me, so the hundreds of books on there travel pretty far.
Any ‘required reading’ you hated in high school that wasn’t so bad two years later?
I blame required reading (and getting busy with extra-curriculars) for taking away the joy and habit of reading for fun. Not only did I hate having to read things I wasn't interested in, but I also didn't enjoy thinking critically about what I was reading- I had always read for pleasure, not analyzing. I don't think I've re-read anything from that period in my life, and I don't think I will.
Used or brand new?
I enjoy both! But used books with a cracked spine and written in margins... that to me is bliss.
Have you ever read a Dan Brown book?
Yes. I read The Da Vinci Code. I'd be interested to reread it now as an adult. I read it during my youth group times, so it blew my mind as a religious young girl.
Have you ever seen a movie you liked more than the book?
I loved Crazy Rich Asians! I enjoyed the book as well but the movie just made me happy.
Have you ever read a book that’s made you hungry, cookbooks included?
I don't even know why, but for some reason the first think that popped into my head was remembering reading about turkish delight in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. I had no idea what it was at the time, but it sounded yummy. Also, any Great Hall scene in Harry Potter.
Who is the person whose book advice you’ll always take?
I watch a lot of book content on YouTube. I trust Kayla (she is my favorite booktuber, check her out), Gabby, and Mara when I'm looking for mystery/thrillers to try. Chelsea and Heather always get me to read fun, chick-lit, contemporary reads. It was Heather who got me to finally pick up Liane Moriarty. I adore Ashley in general, but she is my go-to when I am looking for romance recommendations.
Is there a book out of your comfort zone (e.g. outside of your usual reading genre) that you ended up loving?
YES. I don't read fantasy usually, but I LOVEDDDDD A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas. It was amazing.
That's about it for this book tag! I tag Emily because I'd love to know her responses and we seem to have similar reading tastes, Confuzzledom because I always love to hear about what she is reading, and my IRL bestie Lauren so that we can chat books later.
Hope everyone has a good day!
Dude, I am having such a hard time answering some of these questions!
ReplyDeleteHaha I know they're tricky! Can't wait to read yours.