DIYs, long walks, Newport, entryway refresh, and a low-key Memorial Day

Happy Monday, friends! It was a busy weekend at our house, chalk full with home projects and date nights. 

On Saturday morning, Cooper and I met Lauren and her Peanut for a long walk on the trail. I ended up carrying him for some of it because it was too long of a walk for his teeny legs. 5 pounds isn't heavy, but hold 5 pounds for 30 minutes in your arms and you'll start to feel it, that's for sure! At one point, he ended up in the stroller. It was too cute not to snap a photo. 
How funny is this... 
After our walk, I did some cleaning around the house and started laundry while my husband, father-in-law, and brothers-in-law worked on leveling out the yard and building a foundation for his new shed. Cooper hung out with the boys on his new yard leash. I ended up dusting, sweeping, and mopping the entryway, and added some cute pieces to the space. It looks much more "finished" now. 
For lunch, I made a HelloFresh meal, pork tacos. They were so delicious. I am thinking about altering the recipe slightly to make it a pork taco pasta bake. Yumm. If I do, I will definitely share it!

In the early afternoon, some friends swung by to check out the progress in the yard and we chatted with them for a while. After they left, my husband sanded and did a final coat of varnish on the table while I worked on my blog. We had a date night to end the busy day in Providence, RI. We ate at the Cheesecake Factory and I had the Pasta Carbonara (which I of course forgot to take a picture of).  We ended the dinner with strawberry cheesecake for me and a peanut butter chocolate cheesecake for Val. I loved the outfit I wore.

When we got home, we ended up cuddling on the couch with Cooper and 2008's The Incredible Hulk, until we went to bed. I totally fell asleep on the couch, what else is new!
Sunday morning, we slept in. It was glorious. I did some light chores while Val did some tinkering around the house. He installed the ACs (it was going to be in the 80s and both of us are cranky when it's hot out!) while I picked up the house, did more laundry and blog reading. Cooper, as usual, was no help whatsoever, and chose to instead sunbathe with his BFF Teddy, occasionally taking breaks to bark at squirrels and our poor, tolerant neighbors. 
Then, we got ready and headed to Newport for the afternoon with the pup! It was such a beautiful day and Newport was packed. Guess that's what you get for going on Memorial Day Weekend! We ended going for a long walk on the Cliff Walk, driving the 12 mile drive, then stopping by Flo's Clam Shack on the way home. It was the quintessential New England summer Sunday. 
View from the Cliff Walk
Kite flying at Bretton Point.
He loved sticking his head out the window & people watching!
Just like his mama. (Don't worry, he's leashed and totally safe.) 
We got home around 8 and cuddled up with a movie on the couch. We watched Fighting with my Family, an enjoyable-enough movie with some good laughs. Cooper was PASSED OUT the minute we got home until we went to bed around 11. I read a little bit in bed before falling asleep around 11:30. The book I'm reading is getting so so good! It was overall a perfect day with my sweet family.

For some ungodly reason I woke up at 4:30 AM this morning (Memorial Day), my last day of vacation before returning to work. I read some blogs, did some work on the computer, and read my book a little until I got so tired I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. Around 8 AM I headed back to bed for a nap... can I call it a nap? I woke up around 11, a little disappointed that I slept so late. Oh, well.

For the rest of the day, I will probably putter around the house prepping for going back to work tomorrow, and later on today we are hanging out with friends. It has been the busiest weekend we've had all year, but it was well spent!

Hope everyone has a good start to the week!

Linking up with Lindsay.


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