Birthdays and a reunion

I had such a good weekend! Val had his days off, so I got to spend time with him Friday night AND most of the day Saturday. We are naturally homebodies, so for us the perfect date night is takeout and binging a show. That was basically what we did Thursday and Friday night. On Saturday, Val worked on the cars while I did things around the house and grocery shopped.  I know it might sound so ridiculous, but I love our days when we tag-team tasks; even if we are not "together" at the time, I always end the day feeling so content. Family time with my hubby is so important to me, more so because his schedule is so crazy that we have limited time together. I love it.
Anyway, on Saturday night, we had a small family get together to celebrate my great-aunt and grandmother's birthdays. They turned 81 & 80- how neat is it that they have the same birthday a year apart? 
On Sunday, I saw one of my very best friends that I haven't seen since March. I have missed her so much! She and I have been through so much together- work stress, infertility, TTC, being pregnant together, Izzy's birth and passing, and her baby Tate's birth. We just "get" each other on a whole different level, and I am lucky to have her in my life. It was so nice to see each other in person and do our favorite thing- shop for home decor haha. 

I had a bit of a headache when I got home from shopping so I took a little nap. I got some chores done around the house and we ended up heading to my parents' for dinner, which worked out- I didn't feel like cooking and they had a ton of leftovers from the the party the night before. My Sunday night ended with me reading a few pages of one of my current reads, Educated by Tara Westover, and passing out a little before 10 PM. 
I hope you guys had a good weekend. Mine was just what I needed and it was the perfect way to recharge after last week's burnout. 

Linking up with Lindsay.


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