Coffee chat

If you and I met up for coffee, I would probably run out of my car and tear up hugging you. We'd talk about how much we miss each other, how it's been the weirdest year ever, and that we hate this new normal.

We would go to one of our local favorite coffee shops. I would get either a Chippi from Mirasol's or a Mojo from The Pink Bean, and even if it's 25 degrees out I'd gush about how much I love this iced coffee. Pre-pandemic, it would likely be super busy so we would grab a table in a corner or just go hang out in the car sipping on our drinks. 

The election would come up. I'd mention how I think there is something super fishy going on and that it's hard to trust anyone or anything that the media says these days. We'd talk about how we are hoping for a better future with less division in the country and that the successor of the Presidency will be a good fit to help the country heal. I would admit that I am not entirely too optimistic about the future of our country. We would agree that the whole situation is incredibly stressful and that we feel pretty hopeless about it. On second thought, maybe we shouldn't talk about the US' current affairs. 

You would probably bring up recent tv shows that you're binging, and I would chip in with all of our recent watches. I would talk about the cheesiness yet hilarity of Man With A Plan, the over-the-top drama in Dynasty that I'm obsessed with, and how I actually stomached the somewhat creepy show of Evil. You'd probably laugh because you know I'm the hugest scaredy cat when it comes to horror movies. I'd roll my eyes and totally agree with you. 

We would talk about our current reads, probably very different from each other's. I would ramble on about some random domestic thriller or romance novel I'm obsessed with. I would talk about The Nanny by Gilly MacMillan, and how even though it was slow, I loved the twists and turns. I would ask for recommendations to add to my growing list. I'd let you know that I'm in the middle of 3 books and while I'm enjoying them all, it's been hard to get into the reading mood. 

There's always some sort of husband complaining done on coffee dates, and we'd good-naturedly whine about the annoying things they did or said this week. I'd probably complain for the millionth time that I hate the mess he makes with his espresso machine. How hard is it to wipe down a counter? Doesn't it bother him to see specks of ground coffee all over our off-white countertops? I wouldn't admit my own annoying habits of course, like when I leave all the kitchen cabinet doors open. You'd chip in about an annoying thing your husband did, too. We'd commiserate together and conclude that "men suck". But deep down we know that even though our hubbies aren't perfect, they are still perfect enough for us. 

Veteran's Day is this week, so we would chat about our day-off plans. You'd probably have a fun day trip on the docket. I'd admit that I would probably just catch up on work, since my husband doesn't have it off. I'd talk about how my workload, while it isn't considered full time, has been pretty overwhelming for me. You might share tips on how to better time manage while working from home. 

I'm sure Christmas would come up, and we'd talk about decorating the house. Usually I'm an after-Thanksgiving decorator, but I would admit that I have started putting up touches of Christmas here and there, and you'd probably agree that it's not too early for a Christmas tree, given the current state of the world. We would chat about Christmas gifts and when to start shopping. Knowing me, you would suggest I start now so I'm not out on Christmas Eve still searching for the perfect gift. I'd laugh because every year I say I won't be a last minute shopper, and yet every year I am. 

I would tearily admit that I am dreading the holidays without my baby, and that I can't believe we are facing another Christmas without a child. You wouldn't know what to say, but that's okay. I don't expect advice- just you listening to me is helpful. I want you to know that it's alright to bring her up in conversation and I appreciate you allowing me the space to talk freely about her. I would show you the Baby's First Christmas ornament I purchased for her and how I'm hoping to get a monogrammed stocking to hang in her honor. 

I always find any excuse I can to talk about my dogs, so I'd show you some of my favorite videos and photos of them from the past month or so. I'd tell you that Molly has been so fiesty lately and has been initiating playing with Val almost everyday, which is awesome because she was so timid when we first got her. 

Our coffee date would end too soon for my liking, but we both have tons of things to do today, I'm sure... we schedule another one for the next few weeks and promise not to go so long without seeing each other again.

Thanks for having coffee with me, friends. Hope you all have a great day. 

Linking up with Lindsay


  1. This is my first time visiting your blog and I plan to return! I love how you wrote this post! Take care!

    1. thanks so much for your kind words! :) welcome! I appreciate you following along.

  2. This is such a cute idea for a blog post.♥️

    1. Aw, thanks. I can't take full credit, a couple of awesome girls I follow also do these pretty often. I thought it would be especially relevant in our social distancing days and just a way to sum up some random recent thoughts.

  3. I know that feeling of facing another Christmas without your baby (this will be our third one without the twins) - especially since I've had two early miscarriage this year and we're done to our last embryo.

    1. It's so hard :( I'm so sorry, Bev. I'm always around to vent if you ever need to.

  4. Lots of things to talk about these days... and I miss having coffee dates with girl friends.
    (Since I am new to your blog - thanks for stopping by mine! - I wanted to let you know how heartbroken I am over the loss of your daughter :( this year has been so tough in so many regards and unfortunately I know more than one person who've also lost (or almost lost) a child this year. Many hugs.)

    1. Me too. I can't wait for the days that we don't have to be scared to go out with friends!
      And thank you so much for your kind words! It has been a tough year, for everyone.

  5. I imagine the holidays will be rough without your little girl. A friend of mine lost twins in May, and I just don't know how she does it. You have to keep going, I guess, but I'm thinking of you!!! *virtual hugs*

    I've gotten most of my Christmas shopping finished, which I'm happy about. I've been trying to buy a lot on Etsy and other small businesses.


    1. Oh I remember you mentioning your friend, I hope she is doing alright. And you're right, there really is nothing else we can do except keep going. Thank you for thinking of us :)

      Wow, go you! I have YET to start my shopping, but I think I'm going to go the Etsy/ local small business rout as well. It's been a hard year for them, so I want to support in any way I can!

  6. I would hug you about the baby with Christmas... its one of the reasons why I am not a fan of Christmas. I think its the hardest holiday for people struggling with infertility, child loss, many of the issues dealing with babies.
    Yeahhhh - I'd just steer clear of politics with someone unless its a REALLY close friend ... & I'm with you - & how sad is it that I dont see any hope for our country. GEEEZ - that's dark.
    I just started watching EVIL too & am freaked out... but loving it.

    1. Thank you for the virtual hug! It has been really, really hard. I hope I can find a little bit of happiness this holiday season.
      Yikes, I feel the same way- and you're right, it is dark that we feel this way about our country!
      Evil is GREAT. I love the intersection of religion and psychology.

  7. I am super behind on my blog reading and commenting, but enjoyed reading all your recent coffee chat thoughts. I hope that your Christmas season is going okay. Hope you have the first Christmas ornament hanging in a special place. <3


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