Dear Isabela | Happy half birthday, Izzy. Momma loves you so much.

Happy half birthday in Heaven, Isabela! 

Mommy can't believe its already been 6 months since you were born. Every day I wonder how you're doing... are you rolling over and sitting up? Are you babbling yet? Do you like playing with your friends? What does your smile look like? Do you have big brown eyes like your daddy? I would give anything to know. We miss you so much, lovebug. It's so hard not to think of what we are missing, what our life would be like if you could have stayed with us. What you would be like. What parenthood of an earth-side baby girl would be like. I wanted so badly to bring you home. I'm just glad you're safe, in the company of angels. 

I love you so so much. Happy 6 months Izzy, my beautiful angel baby ❤️ 👼


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