It has been a week... let's talk favorites :)

Hello, hello... it's been a long week. There has been so much going on! Coming off a difficult weekend, being overwhelmed with my workload, rising cases of COVID in our area, state-wide stay at home orders from 10 PM- 5 AM (because COVID only comes out at night? WTF?), and the election turning into an expectedly huge fiasco... Val and I are checked out. We've officially paused watching and checking the news for the time being. You just don't know who to trust or what to believe so we decided to take a step back. And, as I type this, I am holed up in my bedroom because the solar panel guys are on the roof and it sounds like there are elephants up there, and the dogs are bugging out. Phew. What a great time to do a Friday Favorites, am I right? 

Val has his days off this week, which is always my favorite thing. It's been so nice to spend time together, getting take out, eating ice cream and popcorn while snuggling on the couch, and theorizing over a new show together... which brings me to another favorite of the week. We sadly finished Man With a Plan last week; so on a whim and bored with everything on television, I put on the show Dynasty after dinner one night. Well. Val and I are HOOKED. This show is addicting! Drama, family secrets, jaw-dropping moments, backstabbing betrayal... it has everything! I am so stoked that there are 3 seasons on Netflix, and Google told me that it will be returning January 2021- just in time for us to wrap up the backlisted episodes. It's the juiciest show I've watched in a while. Completely ridiculous, over-the-top, and binge-able. It's the perfect quarantine show. 

Content/ media consumption seems to be a major theme this week, which is honestly not surprising. I am a huge homebody so the majority of my hobbies usually involve content of some kind- reading, watching YouTube, blogging, etc. I'm happy to say that I am obsessing over the book I am reading. It's called The Happy Couple by Samantha Hayes. It's about a wife whose husband left for work one day and never returned. A year later and still reeling from that trauma, her friend pushes her into house sitting as a means of getting away for the weekend while earning a little extra cash. She signs up for a house in a town that her and her husband always wanted to visit- and on the mantel, there are photos of her MISSING HUSBAND. Dun dun dunnnnn! That's as far as I've gotten, but I am more than intrigued. Honestly, I'm complete trash for domestic thrillers. They don't even have to be amazing but I always still enjoy them. What can I say? Family secrets is my thing! I can't wait to read about all the crazy that's about to go down. 

I have also gotten into true crime podcasts/ YouTube videos. A few of my podcast favorites are Morbid, True Crime Garage, My Favorite Murder, and Crime After Crime. YouTubers Danielle Hallan and Bailey Sarian are also really good. Bailey Sarian does a pretty cool series called Murder, Mystery, and Makeup Mondays. It's exactly how it sounds: she does her makeup while talking about a true crime case that she has recently researched. She's hilarious and super skilled in makeup, so its always a treat when I catch those videos. Danielle Hallan is super thorough and her videos are always really well researched. Kind of dark content to be into these days, but I am who I am lol. 

I was featured on another angel momma's blog his week, in a Q&A-style post with a ton of bereaved parents from around the world. My question asked where I would have liked to take my baby. I'm so grateful Anjulie included me in this really important blog post. She has on more than one occasion reached out to me in support and her blog and Instagram page is worth checking out. I hope you give her a follow. 

Wanna see some cute dog pics? These two buffoons always give me a good laugh when I'm stressed or annoyed. I hope they bring a smile to your face as well. 

And on that note, cheers to the weekend and TGIF. I hope that if you have also had a difficult week, you can take some time for yourself this weekend to relax, take a breath, and enjoy some simple pleasures. Take care, friends.  

Linking up with Erika and Andrea.  


  1. Aw, your dogs are so cute. And that book sounds fab!



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Friday Favorites! A hodge podge of random things

This week's favorites

Currently | May 2019