My Grown Up Christmas List

Going in to the holiday season, I never expect to receive gifts. I never usually ask for anything, either. Buttttt I was online window shopping (as usual) and realized that I have a ton of full "carts" across all kinds of sites on the interweb haha. So I thought it might be fun to share what items I have in my carts- my grown-up Christmas list, if you will. 

I would LOVE a Cricut machine, vinyl, tools, etc. Mostly, I just want to create all the custom crewnecks and home decor signs. Imagine how much moolah I will save (after this investment, lol)?

I really like this charging station/ organizer. I love when everything has a home, and when hotspot/ like items are stored together, even better. 

A new desk chair would be amazing. I can't with the one I have now- it is about 15 years old and my butt HURTS after a day of working from home. I feel stupid complaining about sitting down all day but I can't help it, my body hurts so much lol. This one from Wayfair looks really comfortable. 

The illustrated edition of Goblet of Fire looks absolutely breathtaking. I have the first three, and am only missing this one to be up to date on my collection. Jim Kay is so incredibly talented. 

I would love a new bookshelf to replace my 30 year old one from my childhood, since it's falling apart and has seen better days. I really like this one from Target. 

These slippers look dreamy. I always love anything cozy. 

Maybe this is boring, but the Ninja flipaway airfryer looks so convenient and doesn't take up a ton of space. Seems like a no-brainer for our small kitchen. 

To me, Christmas has never been about gifts, but it's always fun to have a wishlist. What items are on yours?

Linking up with Lindsay


  1. Book shelves are really hard to find - nice ones, I mean.
    I want a cricuit but I have watched videos & I just dont think I'm that smart LOL.
    I want one of those printers to print pics from your cell phone to put in my planner for memory keeping. I'm trying to be slick & hint to the Hubs about it. ... I'll probably just end up buying it myself - LOL

  2. Wish lists are so fun. Nothing wrong with putting together a little list just for fun (especially this year!)

  3. Those slippers looks so comfy! And I love looking at wish lists. :)


  4. Bahaha, I have full carts all over the dang place too! I am addicted to our air fryer, but also have a small kitchen. I've never seen a nice flipaway one like that before!!!


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