Currently | November 2020

Linking up with Anne for this month's currently link-up! Let's talk about what I'm currently appreciating, ordering, perfecting, planning, and wearing. 

Appreciating the fact that we have been using our fireplace a lot and just turned the heat on in the house this week! I live in New England so it's been getting chillier and chillier everyday. There's nothing better than a warm home and a cosy fireplace to read a good book by.  

Peep the fire... SO COZY. 

Ordering all the things on Amazon lately: car seat covers, a bunch of Kindle books that were on sale, my new favorite pen and notebook, Colleen Hoover's newest release Heart Bones that I can't wait to read, pillow covers for my throw pillows, and a memorial baby book for our daughter. 

Perfecting (and searching for) some new chicken recipes. I'm tired of the same old dishes that we've been making for years and am so bored with chicken-based entrees lately, to the point that it just doesn't even sound good anymore. I'll let you know if we find any hits in my search for the perfect chicken dish lol.  

Planning our meals out weekly. It's been a game changer for grocery shopping, saving money, and eating healthy foods. I'm really liking it, but I do find myself getting stuck in a rut of making the same meals.  I use a cute little meal planner pad I got forever ago that has a detachable grocery list. I love it. 

Wearing the same outfit on repeat: this super cute Angel Mom sweatshirt and Fabulegs leggings. The coziest combo for WFH.

Hope this post finds you well! Thank you for stopping by :) 


  1. I've been ordering lots of Christmas gifts, and book buying is always a fun thing. :)
    I'm definitely the person who repeats outfits all the time. hah


    1. I always say tht book buying is a whole separate hobby from reading! haha
      I swear I havent taken this sweatshirt off... I wash it, dry it, then put it back on lol.

  2. I'm kind of a sucker for a good Kindle deal - I picked up The Inheritance Games last week too! I've been there on the chicken recipes too... When I'm in a rut, sometimes I go back to chicken chili in the crockpot, super easy and good for this time of year. I've enjoyed this recipe:

    1. I'm excited to read it! I hear her series The Naturals is good too.
      I'll have to try that chili recipe out, thanks Anne!

  3. That notepad is so cute! I'm such a sucker for buying things like that, and then I end up using sticky notes for everything while the cute stuff gathers dust. Still doesn't stop me though!

    Also, props to you for just now turning on your heat! We're in Tennessee, and we've had our heat on for a couple of weeks. Wimps here lol.

    1. thanks I like it too! I love stationary haha :)
      I can't even pretend to put on a brave face over the whole no heat thing- I was complaining for about a week before my husband just got annoyed and turned it on to shut me up. Lol. Joke's on me though... it's been super warm here since we turned it on haha.

  4. I have been buying so many Kindle books lately. Lol. Pre-COVID I rarely used it, now I it is the main way I read! And Educated is on my list.

    Your memorial baby book is very sweet looking.

    1. Lol Kindle browsing is kind of a hobby of mine :)

      Thank you! It is a really sweet baby book, I really like it!


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