A stay-at-home weekend (AKA, A photo journal of my Kindle, coffee, and dogs)

I was the driver of the struggle bus Friday. I couldn't focus on work, felt super anxious about everything, and just overall was not in the best mood. I decided to do something super easy for dinner- homemade pizza. I made an almond flour pizza crust and it actually turned out okay. I used this recipe. I'm always pleasantly surprised when the things I make come out good, since I'm not the most gourmet chef, lol. Good news is that I had leftovers for lunch the next day because my husband is a BABY about trying new things. 

So this was how I spent my Friday evening: curled up with the pups, a blanket, and Jamie Fraser. Ahhh, pure bliss (I rarely have fictional "crushes" these days, but dammit, I freakin' love Jamie. Could there be a more perfect man? haha). You can barely see Cooper because he has black fur, but he was in my lap. Molly was snuggled up on my side. 

I slept in Saturday morning which was really nice, and decided to start my day with a coffee in my favorite mug (thanks, bestie!) and my current read of Educated. I've talked about this book a million times this month, but only because it's been slow going in the reading department. I will read a few pages, then get distracted and put my book down. I'm in the middle of 3 different books and am not really making progress in any of them because I keep switching. Anyway side tangent over, I'm really enjoying Educated so far, but it blows my mind that this story is auto-biographical. Tara's childhood seems so wild to me, and I can imagine it was pretty traumatic for her. 

I didn't do a ton for the rest of the day- just stuff around the house, cooking, organizing, watching TV. Lo and behold, I ended the night very similar to how I started it- but instead of coffee in my hand, it was half-baked.   

Sunday came and went. We did a whole lot of nothing- just snuggles and reading. 

And so here is the end of the MOST boring blog post ever that didn't really need to exist, haha. Happy Monday, friends. Hope it's a good one. 

Linking up with Lindsay.  


  1. There's something to be said for lazy weekends!
    And OMG - the puppy with the wire hair looks like a Muppet! So cute!

    1. HAHA you're so right he does look like a muppet! He's a goof. That's my Cooper- you'd think he was an old man by his white beard, but he only just turned three!

  2. Dont feel bad... My weekend was even more boring... which is why I didnt even bother with a post today - LOL
    I LOVE you use an old Kindle - I still use my old one too & everyone give s me grief about it. I bought a new one because I know it wont last forever, but for now, it still does the job

    1. Ha! I'm pretty sure my butt didn't leave the couch for like, 48 hours, lol. Boring weekends for the win!
      Right? I totally get you on that- I can't justify spending money on a new one when this one still works! It's probably a decade old by now but I still love it!

  3. I have yet to work up the courage to watch Outlander. I've read the books (they're my favorite) and I am so afraid that the show will ruin the books for me. I have very specific images of Clare and Jamie in my head and they don't match the chosen actors AT ALL.... although I've heard from so many that the show is so well done. Sigh. What to do?

    1. Sooooo I haven't read the books... yet. BUT I tried to read book 1 after watching season 1 (I didn't finish it)- and from what I was remembering, it was almost like they used the book as a script. I mean, what do you have to lose if you've already read them, right? I say, give it a try. You can always give up after an episode or two :)

  4. Glad you're using it! Also, let me know how Schwab's new book is. I'll have to add it to the list for 2021 😂

    1. It's the perfect size, really.
      The first sentence hooked me! You should get on the holds list now.

  5. Lazy weekends are great. I really need to just chill and read for awhile. My reading has been down. I was supposed to being reading Addie LaRue this month, and I have not started, so I don't think I'll get it finished in time. LOL Oh well, I still plan to read it soon.


  6. Your dogs seriously have the cutest faces LOL.
    I loved Educated. So wild and mindblowing.
    Half Baked is soooo good. Aldi has (had? maybe still has?) their own variety of it, and it's amazing too.


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