The best news I could ever share.

I haven't posted in a while. But, it's been for a really good reason, I promise. "For this child, we have prayed, and the Lord has granted us the desires of our heart." Someone pinch me... I can't believe this is real. I feel so blessed and unbelievably happy that I get to share some wonderful news- we are expecting our first baby! We are so excited to finally be parents. I'm due early September and can honestly say that it can't come soon enough. ❤ We can't wait to meet you, little one. Mommy and Daddy (and Cooper, too) have prayed for you, for so long. You are already so incredibly loved. ❤ (I'm so sorry if my announcement causes anyone any pain. I know the feeling of going to bed every night feeling hopeless and empty. I know what it is like to see mothers pushing strollers in the store, and your heart yearning for that experience. Please know that every night I pray for anyone facing the nightmare of infertility,that th...