Hello Friday, we meet again! Man am I glad it's the weekend. Let's talk favorites, shall we? My meal plan this week has been one of my favorites so far. It was super delicious and had really easy recipes! This week's lineup was: tacos, beef stir fry, chicken and broccoli casserole, homemade pizza, teriyaki chicken and veggies, and fajitas. I love that the meals we chose had only a few, really simple ingredients that are pantry staples, which made my grocery bill very reasonable. I also tried out a new recipe this week- slow cooker chicken and stuffing and it was so delicious. I made it for myself when Val went out for guys' night- he doesn't eat stuffing so I took advantage of him being out of the house haha. Speaking of meal plans, I purchased a meal planning kit from Passionate Penny Pincher . It comes with 12 weeks of recipes, 72 meal cards, reusable grocery lists, some blank recipe cards, and a recipe box. It was on sale and I think it will be a worthwhile inv...
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