You are a father, my love. Happy Father's Day.

And you became a father one evening, 
Quietly, without a sound
You found your daughter and settled into her 
Scooped her up and breathed her in 
Your eyes fell closed and I saw your tears 
And in that moment, I loved you like no other. 

To my husband, on your first bittersweet Father's Day, 

I know our daughter is with Jesus in Heaven and not with us here, but you are still the best Daddy I have ever seen. She is so lucky to call you her Daddy. Isabela and I love you so much. I know for a fact that she is in Heaven, bragging that you get to be hers. Today, we celebrate you. 

I love you forever and ever, 
Your wife 


  1. What an amazing and beautiful photo. Happy first Father's Day to him.


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