Some of my favorite things lately

It has been forever since I've done a favorites! To be honest, this post has been a running document that I've been jotting in when things pop up, so I thought I would finally publish it with all the things I have been loving lately. Buckle up, this is a random one (as per usual!). 

Leuchtturm 1917 notebook. I am OBSESSED with this notebook, friends. I love how the pages feel "used"- is that a weird thing to look for in notebooks? I use it as a bullet journal (kind of). All of my appointments, deadlines, and work schedule go in my Google calendar, but I use this journal as a place to house everything else: notes, brain-dumps, to-do lists, research, ideas, recipes, lists, work to-do's, everything. It's been working out great. I added a pen loop and red bubble stickers (because I'm a teenager, apparently) and I've been loving using this everyday. 

Muji gel ink ballpoint pen. So good, chef's kiss, my new favorite pen! I love how the pen feels when I grip it, if that makes any sense- and the way it writes is just perfection. Bonus points for zero smudging. IDK man, I'm weird these days. Pens and notebooks bring me joy, okay? 

Fabulegs is my new favorite leggings company. LulaRoe who? I especially love that this is NOT an MLM company so I am supporting a small business. Her leggings are great and you can purchase directly from the site (no weird FB parties or fighting for prints). FYI: these are not workout appropriate leggings, but they are perfect for lounge wear. I am obsessed with the capri-length joggers so much that I have been stalking the website for full-length joggers to come back in stock. These are butter-soft, thin (but opaque), comfortable joggers perfect for lounging around. They'd make awesome pajama pants, as well. 

Lincoln's Bunnies is a company that donates time, money, and items to bereaved families and hospitals. Bereaved families that have lost their babies can sign up for a stuffed bunny that they send, free of charge. They try to get families bunnies and comfort packages before they leave the hospital if possible, so they don't leave empty handed. They also just fundraised and donated a caring cradle (a cooling bassinet that allows babies to be preserved while their families are spending time with them before they say goodbye). As a bereaved mother whose daughter used a caring cradle, I can't even express how much that piece of equipment means to a family who have to say goodbye to their child too soon. They are an amazing organization and I try to support them in any way I can. 

Tiered tray. I made this guys- can you believe it?! I used a pizza pan, a cake pan, and a pie pan from the Dollar Tree. The dowel was from Home Depot, and the topper is a napkin ring from Target. I painted it white with chalk paint and stained the dowel to match the napkin ring. Then I found little knick knacks I had lying around the house and also made all kinds of chotchkies to go on it. I love it! I'm excited to decorate it for the seasons. I don't go crazy with holiday decor so this will be a great way to bring in holiday cheer without going overboard. 

Baby girl's room deserves a whole post in itself but I wanted to show it off to you all! I love this room so much and it brings me so much peace. I feel so close to Isabela in here and hang out in here daily. Even the pups love it. 

TV faves:
Man With A Plan. This show is super funny! I feel like it gets passed up a lot because it looks like another corny family sitcom- and while it definitely is, there are some GEMS in there! My husband and I laugh out loud in every episode. It's like a combo of Home Improvement and Everybody Loves Raymond. 
Sweet Magnolias. I binged this show in a couple days a few months ago- that cliffhanger was insane! Netflix picked it up for a second season and I can't wait to see how the story plays out. 
Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team. DON'T JUDGE ME! I am OBSESSED with the DCC. As a former dancer, I love shows that revolve around performers, so this is a treat! I've been binging all the old seasons and loving it. Those girls are so talented. 

Walmart men's graphic tees are awesome. Why don't they have this awesome selection for women? I especially love their band tees and pop culture-ish tees (Golden Girls, Mickey Mouse, Friends, etc.). I size up when I'm looking for comfy, hanging-around-the-house tees and buy my regular size for a more fitted look to knot up with jeans or shorts. 

Layering front porch mats. Love these from Target! Zero points for practicality (a white porch mat-- what as I thinking?), 10 points for cuteness!

Sunwashed Desert hoodies from Aerie. Super comfy, oversized, perfect for hanging out around the house. Athleisure is where it's at lately, folks- there is no shame in my game- and these are really cute. 

The shit that made me giggle lately. Who doesn't love a semi-inappropriate meme these days?

And that's all she wrote! Time for me to start another running "favorites" draft, haha. Hope y'all enjoy the rest of your weekend and have a safe Halloween!

Linking up with Erika and Andrea.  


  1. The bunny is so cute!
    Our babies were put in a basket - that's how tiny they were. I didn't ask how they were kept cool but we got to have them in the room overnight. They had tiny little sleeping bags sewn by a charity here in Switzerland and we got little stars in matching material to the sleeping bags to take home (in German the babies lost too soon are called "star children").

    1. That is so sweet. I love that they are called star children! Izzy also had a blanket, hat, and little sleeping bag. We got to take the blanket home and it's in her memory box. It's so special that you got to spend time with your sweet boys! Sending love to you mama!


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