getting out of a grief funk & how I spent my Saturday

If you follow me on Instagram/ know me in real life, you may (or may not) know that I have been in a funk since about February. I think that's when it hit me- my daughter would be turning one in just a few months. I've said this before, but I can't emphasize it enough- grieving the loss of someone you love really does fuck with your sense of time. Its incomprehensible to me how both quickly and slowly time passes- and here we are, quickly approaching the first birthday of the daughter we prayed so hard for but can't celebrate in person. Anyway, all of this to say, I have been in sleep-all-day mode for over a month now. I nap all throughout the day. I am unmotivated at work and to be honest just would rather avoid life by sleeping it away- especially on the weekends. I lay on my couch all day, sleeping or watching videos, not leaving the house or even stepping outside for some sunshine. Then, come Sunday night I am so anxious about the work week and the thought of manag...