Happy First Birthday, Isabela Rose.

 My Sweet Baby, 

Today is your first birthday. Happy Birthday! Momma and Daddy miss you more than ever, and we hope you had an amazing celebration among the angels. 

They say that when you become a parent, time flies... I can officially attest to that, where has the time gone? I can't believe I have a one year old! I imagine you are trying to walk now, pulling yourself up to stand, and babbling up a storm! Oh, how I wish I was able to see those moments. I bet you're going to ROCK toddlerhood!

Daddy and I snuck away to the Cape to quiet and peacefully celebrate you. We had a good time, just spending time together and thinking of you. I don't think I will ever get used to being here without you, but I know my love for you will keep living in me until I can hold you again. 

We love you, Isabela Rose. Forever and ever. Happy first birthday, angel. 

Love, Mommy


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