2019 Goals!

It's that time of year, folks, when everyone is hitting the gym, saving their pennies, or discovering new hobbies. I'm pretty late to the "new year resolutions" game, and to be honest I'm not one to make them. I don't know if that is a bad thing or not. It doesn't mean that I don't have any goals in life; its just that I try to go with the flow and take life's lead. However, there are some things that I would like to work on this year, that would benefit me and make my life a bit easier.

Stick to an evening and morning routine(s). I'm talking bare minimum here, basically prepping for work the next day, basic hygiene, cleaning my kitchen counters, and making sure the pee pads are clean. Imagine my life if I wasn't always rushing to work with wet hair, no makeup on, wrinkled clothes, and without food.

Read every night before bed. I am pretty good at this, but I definitely want to keep it up. My goal is to read 36 books this year, essentially 3 books per month, and I think I can meet that if I make it a nightly habit.

Change amount of money going to savings every month on my direct deposit. It's pretty sad that I need an "out of sight, out of mind" mentality when it comes to money, but whatever it works.

Start renovations on our home. First stop: building my half-wall to the ceiling and shiplapping it (call me basic, I don't care. I do what I want!). I CAN'T WAIT. Next project, finishing our bedroom: buying a headboard, installing the TV and hanging photos, and mounting lamps onto the wall above our nightstands.

Make one extra mortgage payment. Because who doesn't want to get out of debt faster?

Spend less time mindlessly scrolling on my phone. I want to be more present in my daily life. If I'm that bored, I need to pick up a book, do a hobby, or call a friend. Nothing good comes from spending 2 hours on Instagram.

That's it on my end! I made them pretty simple because who wants to be constantly reminded of goals that are unrealistic and too lofty? Let's hope I get around to accomplishing them!


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