A sentence a day | March 2019

I thought this could be a fun way to wrap up my month. I love this idea from all the bullet journal videos I watch so I thought I'd adapt it to blog format! Something I've learned (or rather affirmed) through this month long blog post: my life is boring lol and I need to get out more! Also... this was kind of a fail, and I didn't post every day but thought I'd still share anyway.

1. TGIF! Val actually had the weekend off so we went toDave & Buster's. Terrible food but great company.
2. Hubby and I saw Shinedown and Papa Roach in concert, as a belated birthday celebration for his 35th!
3. Husband vs. the stomach bug 🤮... wife vs. anti-bac and the toilet 🤢
4. Hubby continued to recover while I worked from home... then guess who also came down with the bug that night 🤢
5. I took the day off work to recover... it was pretty awful.
6. Felt so much better but still had body aches and was exhausted. I worked from my laptop when I could. We watched The Hitman's Bodyguard and I was surprised at how much I liked it. I love me some Ryan Reynolds!!
7. Back to work today, and a little anxious to pick up the pieces from before I got sick.
17. Cuddled with my niece for a little bit this morning. Best part of my week. 
19. Went to dinner with my sister and hung out with her for a little bit.
20.We took Cooper for a walk around the neighborhood. He didn't bark once while we were out, and he loved the retractable leash and the freedom it gave him to wander around. 
22. Went to a conference with my coworkers! I love learning new things in my field. I always leave conferences inspired and refreshed.
23. Hubby woke up a bit early today! ❤ We actually got to run errands together, which is a nice change.
31. My 30th birthday... we went to my niece's baptism and met my sister's new puppy! I took the following day off to celebrate with my hubby. 


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