Celebrating Easter while in a season of waiting

Today was Easter. Although I was incredibly grateful to be with my family, all I could think about was one thing: we are still child-less when all we want in this world is to be parents. I love my nieces and nephew, but it's not the same. Today, I longed to have my own baby with me during the Easter egg hunt at my mother-in-law's, instead of watching my sisters-in-law with their children. Holding my 5-month-old niece in my arms was so hard- because over a year ago, I thought that I would be holding my own in my lap at Easter dinner. I can't help but feel like there's a void in my heart. I can't help but think over and over again, I wasn't expecting this. In this season of waiting, I have struggled to accept what seems to be so unfair. I can only hope and pray that one day, hopefully soon, we will get to have these special traditions with our baby. That's really all I can say at this point. Sometimes it helps me to just get it out... and if this resonates with even one person out there, it was worth it. 


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Currently | May 2019