Three Things | No. 2

Hey everyone! Hope everyone is having a great weekend so far. I'm back today with a survey. Steph does these often and I always love to participate when I see them on her blog. So here goes, here are my 3 things for October.

Places I never want to go
1. Doctor
2. Work
3. Grocery store

Places I always want to go
1. My favorite restaurant, Chardonnay's
2. The library
3. Target, obviously

Appetizers I will eat at any time
1. Potato skins
2. Calamari
3. Wings

Wall colors in my house
1. Gray
2. Gray
3. Gray 😂
 #teamnocolor lol

Things I'm looking forward to this month (I'll do next month since October is almost over!)
1. Potential getaway? We have been talking about getting awy to New Hampshire for a couple days to unplug, recharge, and relax.
2. Thanksgiving. We always have 2 events to attend. The hustle and bustle is crazy in the moment but at the end of the day I'm glad for the memories we make.
3. I have 3 holidays off work in November, plus a couple extra days that I'm taking off for our maybe mini vaca!

Places I enjoyed in my youth
1. My grandmother's house (that we live in now 😊)
2. Barnes and Noble
3. Dance class

Things 10 year old me never expected to spend so much money on
1. Insurance ( STUPID amounts of money)
2. Appliances/ furniture
3. Groceries

I love doing these! They're the perfect cure for writer's block. I hope to get my mojo back soon 😊


  1. All our walls are white. LOL. I have no choice though since we rent.

    1. Ha! I wouldn't mind white! Super neutral and can go with everything!


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