An Introvert's Perfect Night

People often refer to me as a "homebody"; I consider myself an introvert. I spend a lot of time alone or just puttering around my home, cuddling up with my dog, husband, and a book/ Netflix. I don't hang out at bars or parties; I prefer quiet Saturday nights on the couch or watching a movie with my husband. If I do hang out with friends, it's usually at their home or to grab coffee, lunch, or maybe some light shopping. When I am out, it's guaranteed that I am already thinking how I can't wait to get home and relax.

A lot of people tease me and say that I'm a boring old lady, but I definitely need time to recharge because I work a very extroverted and social job throughout the week. I'm constantly dealing with parents, supervising staff, and trying to teach little humans how to communicate and develop important life skills that will foster their independence and learning. It's a rewarding but very exhausting job and sometimes (ok, OFTEN), I just need a quiet night (or weekend) at home by myself to recuperate. On those days that I need to recharge and have some quiet time, here are some things that I like to do.

1. Comfy clothes
  • First thing's first is to get into comfortable clothes! I rarely wear jeans in the house, and prefer to wear sweatpants or yoga pants with a sweatshirt.
2. Cook/ prepare meals
  • I have really learned to enjoy cooking. I order hello fresh and get three meals delivered per week for two people. Since starting my hello fresh delivery, I have learned to prefer cooking my meals instead of ordering out. Of course, if I am totally exhausted then I will definitely order takeout. Sometimes with dinner, I will drink a glass of wine. My current favorite is Barefoot Moscato. I am also getting into meal prepping for my work week. I am actually beginning to enjoy my Sundays in the kitchen.
3. Taking care of my home
  • My alone time often revolves around chores, which I am totally ok with! Taking care of my home is a great way to distract my mind, and I enjoy being productive. I'll give you an example: this New Years Eve, I deep cleaned my bathroom- vents and all. To me, it was the perfect day. Trust me, its not all boring; I also love to redecorate with things I already own- it lets me refresh my home without spending a ton of money.
4. Read
  • My ultimate way to relax and take some time for myself always involves a book. I have always been a reader, but took a really long break during high school, college, and early adulthood. I've recently been enjoying reading since about the summertime and I'm loving getting back into my books. I do most of my reading on the Kindle, but there are times when I just really want a physical book, and I have plenty to choose from  on my bookshelf. Right now, I am currently reading Girls in White Dresses by Jennifer Close. To me, nothing beats a night on the recliner with the soft light from a lamp and a book. Having a cute little lapdog and sweet husband to cuddle with also makes it the most perfect way to unwind.
5. Netflix
  • If I'm really needing to have a mindless night, I will binge-watch Netflix. At the moment I am trying to expand what I watch, because I have the tendency to grow complacent and just consume the same shows over and over again. However, my go-to's for mindless watching includes NCIS, Charmed, Gilmore Girls, and Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries.
  • When I don't want to do some mindless binge-watching, I watch documentaries/ docu-series. I am enjoying the more educational side of consuming television. Most recently I am into documentaries about nature, myths/ legends, food, and other cultures. Netflix has a great selection going on right now. My favorites right now include Ugly Delicious and Nature's Weirdest Events. My best friend also got me into Josh Gates' show, Expedition Unknown.
I'm curious - if you are a homebody or an introvert, what are some things you do to recharge, unwind, and relax that you would consider your ideal, perfect night?

Thank you for reading!


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