Self Care Ideas

Self-care is so, so important. It is a way to prioritize yourself in the business of life. It is a way to regain sanity when you feel stressed and overwhelmed. And most of all, it allows you to think about yourself for once- instead of always putting others first. If you clicked on this post, then you probably have first hand experience of putting yourself last and wanting to change that. 

I have been trying to be more mindful of my own self-care, as I am easily stressed, take my work home with me, and tend to let others' opinions get me down. It's a work in progress, that's for sure. This is why I wanted to share this post- if it can help even one person and make them feel like they're not alone and encourage them to think of themselves first every now and again, then this post will have done it's job. 

Prioritizing yourself isn't selfish. In fact, it is actually the least selfish thing you could do; self-care is a strategic way to make sure that you can care for others, because you have taken time to center yourself first. It doesn't always have to include $50.00 mani/ pedis and super expensive spa days. Unless you're extremely wealthy, no one can sustain that lifestyle. Instead, it can involve a number of different things that can be free or relatively cheap.  

Here are some ideas for self-care that can be easily implemented on a daily, weekly, monthly, or even as-needed basis: 

1. Take a bubble bath
2. Do a face mask and paint your nails 
3. Watch a Netflix show in bed 
4. Say "no" to a loud evening out with friends
5. Eat a healthy breakfast so you are fueled for your day 
6. Download and listen to a new podcast about a niche interest of yours 
7. Cuddle with a loved one 
8. Go for a walk in nature 
9. Recite to yourself positive affirmations 
10. Drink enough water- in general, be mindful about your health 
11. Take a mental health day when you need it- without guilt. That to-do list will still be there tomorrow. 
12. Put your phone on Do Not Disturb/ Airplane Mode
13. Disconnect from social media (Every now and again I deactivate Facebook. It's awesome and I highly recommend it)
14. Plan out goals for yourself, and write out action plans for these goals
15. Check out and read a self-help book (right now I'm into Furiously Happy by Jenny Lawson)
16. Sign up for AND attend a club (I'm doing a thrice weekly Zumba class and having so much fun!)
17. Pick up a new hobby (hence, this blog for me)
18. Take time to visit with friends who deserve your company (I have a standing Saturday AM date with my best friend and her baby. It's the best part of my week.)
19. On that note, try your hardest to rid yourself of toxic relationships, items, and ideals (This is so much harder than it seems. You can start off by becoming aware of what in your life is toxic.)
20. Enjoy a day to yourself- on your terms

The graphic below is the perfect summation of the important of self-care and taking time for YOU: "If you want to give light to others, you have to glow yourself." 


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