Top 10 Books on my Spring TBR

I  have always been an avid reader. However, my love, patience, and enjoyment of reading definitely went out the window during my later years of high school, college, and early years of adulthood. I took almost a 10 year hiatus from consistently reading, which now makes me really sad because of all the great books I probably missed out on. That said, I have started once again with my nightly routine of curling up with a good book after my husband leaves for work.  I am definitely enjoying getting back to my original hobby.

I enjoy following book blogs and YouTube channels. There is a post floating around the blogosphere called Top Ten Tuesday. It is a bookish list-based blog post that many bloggers participate in.  Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018.  This is my first time participating- I didn't follow the week's exact prompt, but found one that I thought looked interesting and made me think- My Spring TBR. 

I am trying to curb my spending, so I will be focusing on books that are already available on my bookshelf, Kindle, Audible account, or through Kindle Unlimited. Looking at the list now, it is a bit ambitious. Maybe this TBR will extend into summer as well. :-) 

Audible Reads: 
1. My Not So Perfect Life - Sophie Kinsela 
2. Next Year in Havana- Chanel Cleeton
3. Pipe Dreams (Book 3 in the Brooklyn Bruisers series)- Sarina Bowen

On my Kindle: 
4. Brooklynaire ((Book 4 in the Brooklyn Bruisers series)- Sarina Bowen
5. Anything You Can Do- R.S. Grey 
6. What He Doesn't Know- Kandi Steiner 

On my bookshelf: 
7. The Ones Who Got Away- Roni Loren 
8. The Hating Game-Sally Thorne
9. Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine- Gail Honeyman
10. The Woman in the Window- AJ Finn 

Some honorable mentions from my bookshelf: 
11. The Wife Between Us-Freer Hendricks & Sarah Pekkanen 
12. Two Girls Down- Louisa Luna 

I tried to include varied genres in my list. I have been reading a lot of romance lately and to be honest, none of it has been blowing me away. I have been either rating as 2.5-3 star middle of the road book or don't finish it because it is unrealistic, cheesy, or just not for me. I really enjoy thrillers and because I am new to the genre literally everything surprises me, so I hope that by picking up a couple of those it will help me get out of this weird reading slump that's happening right now. 

Wish me luck! I hope to start posting book reviews on here soon. 


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