
Showing posts from January, 2019

Some little luxuries

The term "luxury" is tricky. To most people, it means something that is expensive or high quality; even the dictionary describes luxury as "the state of great comfort and extravagant living".  Personally, I relate to the "great comfort" aspect more so than the extravagant living one for a couple reasons:  1.  I truly enjoy the simple things in life    2. Let's be real, extravagant = expensive So, I thought I'd list out my favorite little luxuries; these are the little things I do that are cozy, comforting, and just make me happy. Candles I love burning one on my stove, kitchen table, and bedside table. I'm not a brand snob. I've even loved candles from my local drugstore. Anything pine, apple or vanilla scented is my jam.  Reading by the "fireplace" Nothing feels more luxurious than indulging in a chapter or two in front of your fireplace- whether its real or, in my case, faux.   Really thick moisturizer ...

2019 Goals!

It's that time of year, folks, when everyone is hitting the gym, saving their pennies, or discovering new hobbies. I'm pretty late to the "new year resolutions" game, and to be honest I'm not one to make them. I don't know if that is a bad thing or not. It doesn't mean that I don't have any goals in life; its just that I try to go with the flow and take life's lead. However, there are some things that I would like to work on this year, that would benefit me and make my life a bit easier. Stick to an evening and morning routine(s). I'm talking bare minimum here, basically prepping for work the next day, basic hygiene, cleaning my kitchen counters, and making sure the pee pads are clean. Imagine my life if I wasn't always rushing to work with wet hair, no makeup on, wrinkled clothes, and without food. Read every night before bed. I am pretty good at this, but I definitely want to keep it up. My goal is to read 36 books this year, es...

Confessions of a first-time puppy owner- over a year later

In November of 2017, my sweet husband surprised me with a 7 week old Chihuahua-Schitzu mix puppy. LITERALLY- I woke on on Black Friday and there was a puppy in my bed, licking my face. It was the best day ever. I remember throughout the day tearing up while I cuddled the smallest dog I had ever seen. Cooper was 1.5 pounds. THAT'S IT! He was teeny tiny. Here's proof:  Earlier that year,  my husband and I had been looking for a dog to adopt. We went to several shelters, but never really found a dog that both of us could agree on. I would just leave the shelters crying because I wanted to take them all al l, while Val never really got attached to any of the dogs we saw. On Thanksgiving 2017, my sister-in-law told me that her dad was bringing her a puppy from a friend of his, whose dog recently had a litter. We continued,chatting about random things, the holidays, if we had any Black Friday shopping to do. I didn't even realize that Val  went downstairs to talk to...

Currently | January 2019

Since it's been a while, let's chat about my current obsessions...  Watching:   I have restarted Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries on Netflix. I LOOOOOVE this show. Phryne's sass and confidence is so refreshing and the show is just dang good. The backdrop of 1920's Australia is pretty cool and her progressive attitude towards gender equality is awesome to see. I was so sad when they did not continue after season 3, but I hear there may be a movie happening soon. Let's hope so! If not, I may have to resort to reading the book series.  Reading: Physical book: Unsub by Meg Gardiner. This one is CREEPY. I've never read a serial killer thriller before, and this book is about the Prophet, who brutally murders couples and taunts police with cryptic messages. The detective in this story is the daughter of the detective originally in charge of "catching" the Prophet, who obviously failed, and now the killer has resurfaced decades later. IT"S SO...

It's been a really hard year.

"If I were a mother, I wouldn't take a single moment of my child's life for granted. I'd be grateful for every second they whined or cried or got sick or talked back to me. I'd cherish every second they were home during the summer and I'd miss them every second they were away at school.  "   - Colleen Hoover,  All Your Perfects It's been a hard year. The end of March 2019 will mark one year of trying to conceive our first baby. It took me a really long time to finally be "ready" to start trying. We got married in November of 2016 and shortly after something in me just clicked. After years of putting babies on the back-burner to pursue my career and preventing pregnancy through several methods, I literally woke up one day wanting a child more than anything I have ever wanted in my entire life. But yet,  when it came time to stop taking my birth control I couldn't. I had never felt so conflicted in my life. I wanted to be a m...