Dear Isabela | Momma's happy place 💕


Your nursery is my happy place. 

I come in here every morning, say hello to you, my baby girl, and sit in silence for a few minutes. Sometimes, Cooper & Molly join me. Sometimes, it's just me. I rock in your chair, with a blanket over my legs and a coffee in my hand, marveling at how utterly perfect you were.

Healing and life after loss is an odd, out-of-body experience. 

People tell me not to dwell or spend too much time in your room. But what they don't understand is that your bedroom, full to the brim with dreams and hope and love, has been a place of peace for me. 

I'm so thankful we decided to finish it and I hope you love it as much as I do. 

"I love you forever, I'll like you for always. As long as I'm living, my baby you'll be."

I love you, 


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