pedicures, shopping & a spontaneous date

Happy Monday everyone. I am back with a weekend recap, in an attempt to cheer me up a bit. I have admittedly been very emotional the past two or so weeks, and this morning is no exception. I woke up missing my sweet daughter and started flipping through the 23 photos I have of her life. Seeing her cute face made me smile, but also made me sad. 
How precious is she? I just love her. 

I started thinking about the past couple of days and realized I had a good weekend. I of course forgot to take photos but thought I would share it anyway. 

On Saturday morning I went with my mom and sister to get a pedicure. It was literally the best pedicure of my life. I was so relaxed! I chose a coral pink color for my polish and love it. It was my first nail salon outing since COVID but I think the salon did a great job handling things. You are of course required to wear a mask. The nail stations were spaced out and there was plexiglass separating you and the nail tech. They are doing appointments only, that you put a deposit down on, took your temp upon entering, and have you sanitize before your appointment. It was a good experience overall, considering the situation right now. After the nail salon we went shopping at Old Navy. I haven't been able to shop in-store at Old Navy in years, but I have lost a significant amount of weight the past year or so and I can sometimes fit in an XXL. My mom bought me some dresses. Fitting rooms were closed so I tried the dresses on at home. Lo and behold, the XXLs were actually too big for me. That was a first, lol. My mom is going to pick up a smaller size for me this week. 

We were starving by this point so we went to lunch at Applebee's. My first time indoor dining at a restaurant. Again, things were handled really well. The "new normal" seems to be working out OK. I got a yummy salad and indulged in a Coke, my biggest weakness. Then we zipped off to Kohl's since they were having major clearance and additional coupons. I grabbed a few t-shirts, since mine were getting ratty. Later on at home, I attempted cauliflower mashed shepard's pie and decided midway through to scrap it and order food because I wasn't convinced it was edible lol. Midway through baking it, it actually looked OK- so I guess I have lunch for the week haha! All in all it was a good day. 

Sunday morning I woke up in a not so great mood for some reason. My mom and sister came by and we hung out in the backyard. My sister brought her dog, Beau. Beau and my dog, Molly do NOT get along haha. Molly was very snappy when first meeting Beau. But we have been trying to get them together and yesterday was the first day that Molly was tolerant of him and even played with him. I was so proud of her. Cooper, my other pup, likes Beau but gets so annoyed with how hyper he is haha. He mostly laid out with me on the blanket in the sun while with other two pups ran around. 

When Val woke up, we decided to go out for ice cream and a drive, since we rarely explore the town we live in. We found a marina and drove through some cute neighborhoods in our area. It was a great spontaneous little date with my cute hubby. 

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Cheers to another week. 

Linking up with Lindsay


  1. I'm so glad you had a happy weekend! And yes, she is just SO precious. Love the little fingers. Too cute. I'm glad you were able to get a good amount of photos in your time with her to look back on.

    1. thank you! It's never enough, but I am grateful I have some cute photos.


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