Friday Favorites | the health kick edition (& puppy pictures!)

Time for my favorite post of the week, friends... its Friday Favorites! I am so grateful the weekend is here- I have to say, though, that this week flew by! Here were some of the "highs" from the week (spoiler alert- most of them are related to our new health kick we are on!).

Getting back on Weight Watchers. My husband and I are back at WW, and so far it's been pretty successful. If anything, it makes us aware of what we are eating, preparing, and buying. Currently I get 37 smart points and have already lost 6 pounds. I'm really proud of myself so far! Another plus (and favorite I guess) is that its encouraging me to quit soda and drink water- I'm literally drinking about 120 ounces of water a day. I'm also enjoying finding healthy substitutions for ingredients. 

Zumba. Again with the health kick, I have started back up at zumba class. I go three times per week, and falling back into the routine has been easier than I thought. I'm sad to say that the class is taking its usual summer break for July and August because the building we use doesn't have air conditioning and it would be way too hot to work out in. I'll have to see if I can catch the instructors' classes elsewhere for those two months. 

A new snack I'm loving. I have been on the hunt for low point snacks, and through this process I have discovered a snack combo that I really enjoy: Snack Factory's buffalo pretzel crisps with 2 Tbsp of Sabra Classic Hummus, a WW string cheese, and a handful of green grapes. It's the perfect combination of sweet and savory. Yumm! 

Appointment scheduled at Boston IVF. My husband and I have a consultation with a fertility clinic in our area in the next few weeks. I don't know if I can classify this as a favorite- I bawled my eyes out while making the appointment and just never expected to have to do this (a post for another time, but I talked about our struggles and my thoughts on the whole experience just short of our 1 year of unsuccessful TTC here)- but it is something that honestly consumed my life this week and thought it was worth sharing, just in case anyone else reading is going through the same thing. You really can't understand this roller coaster of emotions unless have experienced it, and I wouldn't wish this on anyone. I hope we get some answers soon and can start our sweet family. I know we will be amazing parents and I keep telling myself that baby will be worth the wait... it's just a process. And unfortunately, we need some help. I will definitely report back on how our first fertility appointment goes. In the meantime- if anyone needs someone to listen and hear them out, I'm your girl! We can commiserate, cry, and laugh together. 

Puppy. Let's end on a high note, shall we? Lets be honest, Cooper is a favorite of the week, EVERY week. Take a peek at how he was laying on me while sleeping 😭❤
As usual, he is just a black blur lol 
What were some of your favorites this week? I'd love to know. Hope everyone has a good start to the weekend! TGIF!

Linking up with Whitney, Lindsay and Erika.


  1. Good on you guys for making some positive changes in your life. I bet you feel really great! :)
    Sending you all my best wishes with regards to IVF.


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