Zumba, graduation, cooking, and getting things done around the house

This weekend was so nice! Beautiful weather, fun times with family, and being productive all make for a great weekend. I keep forgetting to take pictures of my weekend happenings, but I'll try to remember for next time.

On Saturday, I woke my ass up so early (for a weekend!) and got to Zumba by 8 AM. I loved it, and fell right back into the routine like I never left. I learned some new routines and danced to some oldies. I had a blast. After zumba I zipped back home to shower and get ready for my Mom's graduation. She finally got her associate's degree in Business Management. But she's not done yet! In September, she will be starting at a university in the area in September for her Bachelor's in Accounting, I believe. We went out to lunch with cousins (who also graduated- congratulations, Katia! I'm so proud of you!) then I headed home. I didn't get home until almost 4:30! It was a full day and I couldn't wait to relax in comfy clothes at home with the pup.
Sunday was also super busy, and very productive. I woke up early again and decided to just head to the grocery store, since I was up anyway. We have recently started Weight Watchers back up and we needed to stock up on good food. I thought going so early would give me time to stroll through the aisles and carefully select my items, scanning them for points and such. Boy was I wrong! People were SO impatient, even at 7:30 in the morning. Not cool. I put away the groceries then caught the organizing bug (my favorite kind!) and got to work.

I organized our makeshift pantry (aka, a couple of cabinets), the lazy susan, and the cabinet with our small kitchen appliances. Then I cleaned the floors, loaded the dishwasher, vacuumed, and cleaned the counters. I cleaned the bathroom and picked up the dog toys in the living room. The house is looking good! So fresh and so clean, my favorite. I was done with cleaning my whole house except for my bedroom by 1:30. I couldn't believe it. I made HelloFresh Sausage and Spring Pea Risotto for lunch. It was ok, not worth the points in my opinion- not sure if I would make it again.
My husband woke up for the day around 4:30, my mom came over for a chat shortly after, then it was time to work on dinner. We made honey siracha shrimp, asparagus and carrots on the grill over rice. SO. GOOD. I took a shower, braided my hair, and settled in for the night with Clockwork Angel. It's slow going in the beginning, so I hope it picks up the pace soon.
That's a wrap on my weekend. Very busy, but really good. Sunday was my favorite day of the weekend. I love when I'm productive and my house is clean. Hope everyone has a great start to the week!

Linking up with Lindsay.


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