Recent Reads | May 2019

I only read a couple of things since the last Show Us Your Books linkup. I had a week off at the end of May, but I surprisingly didn't have as much spare time to read as I thought, because we were super busy working on various home projects and just enjoying the long weekend together (posts here and here). But anyway, here's a rundown of everything I've read recently. 

The Girl Before by JP Delaney
This was so compelling! It features a dual timeline, which I've come to realize that I really enjoy in thrillers. This book is about two women who have recently both faced trauma in different ways and are both selected to live in a state-of-the-art smart house (three years apart) built by an 
infamous architect known for his minimalist, tech-savvy design. The "girl before", Emma, was found dead in the home 3 years previously. The other main character, Jane, has just moved in. Both women were in a relationship with the architect, and you follow them as their relationships with the architect unfold and Jane investigates Emma's death. She begins unknowingly following the same patterns, making the same choices, meeting the same people, and having the same experiences as Emma. It was so so good. I was dying to figure out what happened from page one. There were so many creepy twists and turns and I could not stop reading "just one more chapter". Highly recommend! I can't wait to read JP Delaney's next book, which I think is coming out this summer.
This was a really fun, creepy thriller that focuses on a psychological profiler and Behavioral Analysis Unit FBI agent, who partner with the Chicago police to catch a serial killer pegged by the media as the "Strangling Undertaker". The killer focused on prostitutes, embalming them alive post-strangulation, in hopes that the women would serve as his "perfect" life partner. If the process did not go according to plan, he would discard the bodies at night by posing them in public places. How creepy is that?! I really enjoyed it, but it took a while for me to get through it. It was a different experience than when I read The Girl Before (not as much of a page turner)- but still a really good police procedural with some great twists if you're into that! This book is actually the first in the Zoe Bentley Mystery series, which I think I might continue on with soon. It's available on Kindle Unlimited. 
I'm currently reading Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare and The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren. I admit, Clockwork Angel is a pretty random pick for me. I have been intrigued by the Shadowhunter world for a while- but have no interest in reading The Mortal Instruments series. I've done some research (Cassandra Clare has multiple series/ trilogies/ companion novels written that take place in this world), and it seems that the series I would be most interested in is The Infernal Devices, which Clockwork Angel is the first book in. It takes place in Victorian England. If I end up loving this, I can dive in to The Mortal Instruments without an issue, because technically, this is a prequel series to TMI. So far, so good. I'm intrigued enough to keep reading.
The Unhoneymooners is super cute so far. Everyone in Olive's twin sister's wedding party comes down with food poisoning- except for Olive and Ethan, her new brother-in-law's best man (whom she just so happens to loathe). To avoid the already paid-for honeymoon package going to waste, Olive and Ethan end up going to Hawaii and pretend to be the newlywed couple. I love me a hate-to-love story. 


Linking up with Steph and Jana for this month's Show Us Your Books.


  1. I really enjoyed the Unhoneymooners!

  2. I have loved all of Christina Lauren's books and The Unhoneymooners was no exception. I really enjoyed The Girl Before when I read it but I haven't read any of his other books yet. I read the first threeish books in The Mortal Instruments and always said I would continue but haven't gotten around to it.

  3. I have got to check out Lauren’s books! That last one sounds so cute and great for a summer read


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