3 months

How has it already been 3 months since I held you in my arms? Momma loves you endlessly, Isabela 💕

Do you want my grief,
Please for a moment,
Take it please,
Hold it next to your heart,
Feel it burn and tear you apart,
Please I beg of you,
Ease my mind,
Give me sleep for just one night,
Get the flashbacks,
The heart stopping pangs,
The helplessness from losing my way,
Can you feel my grief,
Hold it close,
It will bring you to your knees,
Your soul will yell, it will scream,
Can you hear it bellow while it takes your peace,
Your body aches, your mind stands still,
You live in the past, where things were real,
Help me friend, I ask of you,
Take this grief, for a day or two

Written By: Charla Norman

(slightly edited by me)


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