Dear Isabela | Today was supposed to be your babyshower.

Baby girl, 

Today is August 9, 2020. 

Today was supposed to be your baby shower. 

The day that you would have been celebrated, anticipated, and showered with love. I had a purple dress to wear that I felt so pretty and confident in. 

It was going to be a brunch, at a beautiful lakeside restaurant. All of Momma's close friends and family were going to be there. They would have received little succulents as party favors. And you would have gotten the cutest outfits that would have brought me so much joy to see you in. 

All of the milestones that I don't get to experience with you hit me like a ton of bricks, and today I can physically feel my heart hurting. 

I miss you so much, sweet girl. 

I hope you get to have a beautiful baby shower in Heaven today. Because down here on Earth, I am celebrating you. Just like I do every single day. 

Mommy loves you Isabela. πŸ’•πŸ‘ΌπŸ’•


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