5 little things I do to feel more organized

We all have those days... it's Monday, you wake up with so many items on your to-do list that you just to want to crawl back into bed and sleep for 12 more hours. Feeling overwhelmed is THE WORST, and I can totally relate. Recently I was super sick and out of work for a week straight. Trying to get back into the work routine was a struggle and a half. I did a couple things that helped me get back on track,  so I thought I would share them with you. 

1. Tidy up your space. You really can't do much work if you're buried in papers and random odds and ends. Keep it minimal with only items you absolutely need. 

2. Figure out your schedule for the week. Use a digital calendar for appointments (easier in case of last minute changes) and a paper planner for to do lists. 

3. Prioritize to do list items - what is due first? What will take you the longest? "Number" these items in order of importance. Then, get to work.

4. Clear your inbox. It's life changing and you'll feel so much better after replying to emails that need action and deleting that junk mail. If you have time,  sign up for a service like unroll.me that allows you to unsuscribe from pesky emails all in one place. 

5. Clean up your desktop/  home screen (I suggest having folders that house documents that fit into the folder's category). Your brain will thank you. Not only will the space look less cluttered, but you will be able to find things so much easier after organizing documents into separate, corresponding folders.

I hope these tips help jumpstart you to a more organized, productive week! They definitely help me. 


  1. I need to hear number one often. We have papers EVERYWHERE. I always feel so much better even going through one stack and organizing it.

    1. Yes! It is such a game changer for my productivity!

  2. There is nothing in this world that irks me more than a messy inbox. I spend a few minutes each day to sort my emails. I delete things I don't need. Save things I will need to reference later to a relevant folder. Anything I need to reply to, I leave in the inbox as read and move it to the right folder as soon as I have a chance to reply. I can't sleep with a messy inbox but I can sleep with an overflowing laundry basket...funny how that works, huh?

    1. Haha! I totally hear you on that (it doesn't help that laundry is my LEAST favorite task in the world!)! I try to get to inbox zero at least daily. It helps my brain calm down, I think. I like how you use your inbox as almost a to-do list. So smart!


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