Feeling blue

On several occasions the past couple of weeks I have woken up in the mornings just feeling down.

Yesterday I had one session and then just came home to work because I just did not want to see people. Today is kind of the same thing. I'm feeling very blue and unmotivated, without any desire to go into work and be social. It's been hard for me to get up and do things, and honestly I just want to stay home.

I'm can't exactly pinpoint what is upsetting me (and I don't know that it is just one thing), but I'm definitely having a wallow in self-pity day. I know most people would say to buck up, get moving, take a shower and get ready, but I'm going to let myself have one of those days today. I find that when I do this every once in a while, I end up getting over it quicker.

So. This is what I'm doing today, and working on my laptop when I can.

What are some things that you do when you're having an off day? I'd love any tips.

Thank you for listening.


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