Confessions | No. 1

I saw this post on A Little Bit of Emily's blog and thought it was a really fun idea! I thought it was a cool way to round up all my recent thoughts that I otherwise probably would never share on here because they are so random. Here goes! 

I confess... that I totally make up words to songs I don't know all the lyrics to. You know when kids fudge the L-M-N-O-P part of the alphabet? Yeah, I'm the adult version of that.

I confess... I slept on the couch THREE times this week. When your hubby works third shift, sometimes you just don't make it to bed. I totally paid for it in the morning though. My back was killing me all week!

I confess... that I am really scared to talk to my doctor about potential infertility and/or any solutions or diagnoses they may present. I know that getting answers will be so helpful in our journey to become parents, but I'm terrified to find out what's up at the same time. 

I confess... that my Crockpot has not been used ONCE in like 9 months. This needs to change, especially because it is really convenient when I work late and Hubby works overtime. Like hello, its supposed to make your life easier! Oy vey.

I confess... that I am NOT a fan of change. Lots of changes are happening at work right now, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't anxious about it. Here's to hoping for a smooth transition!

I confess... that although I am trying to cut out caffeine, I am still CRAVING (and drinking) my caffeinated vanilla nut cream coffee I have in my cupboard. It's just so good!

On a more serious note, I confess... that I have been keeping my distance from my grandparents, who live downstairs from me, but specifically and selfishly from my grandfather. He is on hospice due to his terminal stomach cancer and lately it has gotten pretty bad. He is in so much pain and is unable to communicate with us. It's so hard for me to see and I feel so guilty for protecting myself when I know I will regret it later on. I just want him to find peace and be pain free again. My sweet Vovo. 

I confess... that even though I signed up for my work's Biggest Loser competition 3 weeks ago... I honestly haven't even started changing my eating habits, started exercising, or even weighed in. Yikesss. I swear, I do worse with group challenges than I do on my own.

I confess... that I have been OBSESSED with Skinny Vanilla Lattes from Starbucks- but I refuse to get one more than twice a month (THEY ARE SOOOO EXPENSIVE!). I have never really liked a Starbucks drink before, but this latte has converted me.

I confess... that I have started and put down at least 4 books this month. I am in SUCH a reading slump right now, and I can't seem to find anything that grabs my interest. I am hoping that when I pick up The Silent Patient or A Court of Wings and Ruin I will be sucked in quickly, because this girl misses reading.

I confess... that I spend WAAAAY too much time on my phone. I recently downloaded the Moments app on my Samsung, which records how much time you spend on apps and how many times you pick up your phone per day- and let me tell you, it's freaking eye-opening. Last Thursday, I spent like 5 1/2 hours on my phone. HOLY CRAP. That's 5 1/2 hours I will never get back. And doing what? Obviously nothing meaningful. #perspective

I confess... that I have been obsessively watching all the food documentaries on Netflix right now and they have me wanting to go plant-based. The shit that is in processed food, not to mention the effects it has on people's health today, totally grosses me out. Hubby wants to try it for a month, to see if we feel better and if our health improves (hmmm... blog post idea?).

That's all I've got for my first round of confessions! What are some of yours? I'd love to know. I swear I can keep a secret! ;-)


  1. Thank you so much for the shout out - so glad that I could help you with a post idea. These are always so fun, because like you said, they can be a great way to just get random things out. I feel you on the book thing - I finally got out of my funk. And I am so sorry to hear about your grandpa - that would be SO hard to see him go through that.

    1. Of course! Had to give credit where credit is due :) Thanks again for the idea!
      I am also on the upswing of my slump- but MAN was it a struggle! I appreciate your comment about my grandpa. It has been super hard. Leaning on family has helped though. Thanks you so much :-)


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