The importance of girlfriends

A couple weeks ago, I came across this study a Facebook friend shared. Basically, the study showed that seeing your girlfriends on a twice weekly basis had major health benefits and decreased stress in women. Between the article and everyone's social media "Galentine's Day" posts, it got me thinking.

When was the last time I saw my friends? I honestly don't get out often. I have a standing Saturday morning coffee date with my best friend, and its truly the best part of my week. But let's get real, sometimes life get in the way and we don't always get to hang out. For the most part, I'm in the house for the entire weekend. Aside from my weekly coffee dates, I never schedule regular nights out with my friends. I always say that I am going to and for some reason it usually gets put on the back burner.

So, what did I do about it? Well. Last Saturday, I painted the town red (kind of). I went for coffee at my bestie's house for a couple hours, then later on that day I went out with 3 of my favorite coworkers for the night (more like close friends, at this point). We went to a pottery painting studio then grabbed dinner at a local coffee shop. It was so much fun, and I hadn't realized how much I was needing and craving a night out.

My next step in this friendship journey is to reconnect with a couple friends who I have lost touch with over the past couple years. We always say that we will catch up, but it never actually happens. This week I want to send them a text and reach out.

I've realized that although I am an introvert who loves to be home, friendship fulfills me. Being with my girlfriends is therapeutic, and I enjoy it so much. I definitely want to prioritize it as a regular event in my Google Calendar. I can't wait until my next girl's night!

Do you see your friends often? I'd love to know what you do on your girls' nights!


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