Currently | March 2019

Linking up with Anne for today's Currently post!

I have been doing some major planning and Pinterest-ing for some house updates, especially wall decor &  bathroom remodel ideas. I am also thinking of ways to organize the closet in my office a bit more... aesthetically? Everything is organized categorically, but I still feel like it's a huge mess. I'll even show you the "before" (please don't judge me lol).

See... yikes. This closet does triple duty: it holds all my assessment materials, toys, our filing cabinet, and extra decor for the house. I guess it could be worse?
I needed something fluffy and cute to read, so I picked up a classic Jill Shalvis. Simply Irresistible is the first book in the Lucky Harbor series. I'm enjoying it so far. I also just picked up A Stranger in the House by Shari Lapena. I've heard really good things about it.                                                                                 

Buying: A very random assortment of things. 
Kristin Ess Air Dry Creme, thanks to Laurie 
Picture ledge shelves from Target
A little book haul: Where'd You Go, Bernadette // A Stranger in the House // Then She Was Gone

Recent Amazon Finds: A wall calendar (random but I needed one for the house and this set came with 2) // A vanity tray for my skincare/daily products (another Laurie recommendation) // Another book, It's Not Supposed To Be This Way

An effort to take more photos. I rarely in the last few years have taken many photos and would like to start capturing memories again. Here's a few that I have taken recently:
How cute is he? 
Shinedown was so personable in their performance. 10/10 would recommend if you love their music :)

The last few are of Cooper. Cuteness alert... you have allll been warned. 

Does getting over the stomach bug count? Because besides that, not too much is getting done over here. Here's to hoping the rest of the month is much more productive. First thing on my list when I can actually move: sanitizing EVERYTHING.

That's all for me today, friends. Thanks again to Anne for hosting this fun link-up! I hope to join in on many more in the future. What are some of your current happenings?


  1. Your dog is so cute! What kind is he? I've read a few Jill Shalvis books and enjoyed them!

    1. Thank you! He is a Chihuahua Schitzu mix with sometimes way too much personality haha.
      I am really enjoying the book so far! She is definitely a go to author for something light and cute to read!
      Thanks so much for commenting!

  2. Ooh, love a good book haul. Where'd You Go Bernadette is such a fun one. And I love scheming about remodels too - I've been bookmarking bathroom ideas for a while, so we'll see if we can make that happen.... Thanks for linking up!

    1. I'm really looking forward to Bernadette! When I saw there was going to be a movie adaptation it definitely moved up on my to read list.
      Remodeling plans are so so much fun- more fun than that actual remodel as well. Hope your remodel goes well.
      Thank you for hosting! It's a really fun link up :)

  3. I used to take photos all the time; I really need to get back into that. I also want to read Bernadette before the movie (hopefully).


    1. Me too! I think I took the "live in the moment" thing a bit too far, because now I can't remember any of them lol. I'm trying to take just 1 or 2 meaningful photos per event, and not get carried away. It's annoying when people are just experiencing life through their camera screen, and I don't want to get back to that!
      I love that more movie adaptations are coming out. I really feel like its getting people to read more!


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