This is 30

Today is my 30th birthday. Wow... it feels weird to say that. I am no longer in my 20s and am now entering a new decade. I have to say, if the amount I have changed in my 20s is any indication of how this next decade is going to go, I may not recognize myself by my 40th birthday.

I've learned a lot over the years.  Some lessons are kind of deep, but then there are also some that are just fun tips that have made your life easier.

Here are my lessons that have stood out, especially recently:

1.  Not everyone is going to be your friend. It's OK to have people in your life that you're just "friendly" with.

2.  Literally everyone is just faking it until they make it. One of my supervisors told me this and honestly it has been life changing. I'm not the most confident person in the world, but I have grown a lot in the area after learning that lesson.

3.  You will know who your "true few" are after they stick around when everyone else has gone.

4.  Trust me, nobody is actually looking at you. People are way too wrapped up in their own lives to be worrying about other people when they're in public.

5.  A degree does not promise you the most amazing job in the world or even the most money. What matters is that you love what you do.

6.  Keep your next move private. You don't have to tell the world your grand plans. Also, if you do that, you will get so much hate from other people.

7.  Toxic people and toxic environments are not worth your time. Life is too short to be around those situations.

8.  It's OK to say "no" every once in a while, but make sure that you're not depriving yourself of experiences along the way.

9.  Marriage is not all unicorns and rainbows. It's really hard work. It's amazing and worth it, but it's not easy and it's definitely not like the movies.

10. Reality can honestly suck.  Life is not going to happen like a romantic comedy.

11. Nightly tidy sessions make your life so much easier in the long run. Nobody likes to wake up to a messy house!

12.  If you're having a hard time getting motivated to do stuff, just start. I promise, you will get in the groove once you get going. Starting is the hard part.

13.  Stop using the highlight reel as a means of comparison. Instagram is not real life! Honestly, just stop comparing yourself to others in general. You'll be so much happier.

14.  Throw away your timeline. Things will happen as they are meant to happen and when they are  meant to happen. Patience is a virtue, my friend (which I am still struggling with, TBH)- and it really sucks.

15.  Kind of going hand-in-hand with number 14, your ideal life dream when you were 16 is not gonna happen by the time you're 30.  Not only was it super unrealistic, but people don't actually live their lives according to check boxes.

16.  Get on a skin care regimen. It's so so important.

17.  You're going to love carrots and broccoli roasted in the oven! Such a life changing way to eat vegetables :)

18.  Home cooked meals are way better than restaurant or take out meals, hands down.

19.  Learning to be content with what you have can be really difficult. But once you do, you'll be so much more at peace with yourself and your life.

20. You're not perfect, so don't expect perfection from others. We're all just human!

21. No, money does not buy happiness. But, it sure does make things a hell of a lot easier!

I wish I had 30 lessons for my 30 years on Earth- that would have been so symmetrically pleasing. But, such is life! If I remember any more, maybe I'll continue adding to this list. Until then, that's it for me! Thanks for reading about all my life lessons that I've learned thus far- the important ones, at least. Cheers to the next decade of my life!


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