More and Less

As I write this, it is Sunday night. I know I haven't been blogging long, but I have really been enjoying making it part of my nightly routine and writing has really been cathartic for me. Anyway, I can't believe it's almost March. I feel like this year is flying by! Coming up on my 30th birthday (March 31st, yikes!), I have done a lot of reflecting on my life and on who I am as a person. I thought a More/ Less post would be the perfect way to get my thoughts out in writing. 

I was inspired after seeing this post on Audrey's blog, and really liked the idea of bringing to light habits, adventures, mindsets, and basically life stuff that you want to do more of and less of in the near future. I think it's a really cool way to hold yourself accountable and honestly just reflect on who you are as a person and how you'd like to improve yourself. So for that, Audrey, thank you! Here goes nothing. :) 

The MORE List...
  • Leaving work on time or early if possible
  • Being present when with my sweet hubby
  • Visits with friends
  • Consistency with Zumba
  • Effort into my appearance 
  • Vacations (or even day trips)
  • Water intake
  • Reading time
  • Writing
  • Walks with Cooper
  • Keeping up with organization systems
  • Whole grains & veggies
  • Pedicures

The LESS List ...
  • Mindless scrolling on my phone
  • Jumping to conclusions 
  • Self-doubt
  • Solo weekends
  • Worrying about things out of my control 
  • Googling EVERYTHING
  • Worrying that my home isn't Pinterest worthy
  • Impulse shopping/ 1-clicking on Amazon
  • Paper waste
  • Binge watching Netflix/ YouTube
  • Chips and soda
  • Social media apps off my phone

I'd love to know your more & less lists!


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