March Goals

Linking up with Beth to talk all about my March goals!

This is my first "monthly goals and mantras" link up, so I don't have a report on how February went but let me tell you... gosh last month felt SO long.

Ok. On to this month's goals: 

1. Make a dentist appointment. And I am SO terrified. I know, it's irrational. 
2. Reorganize (& maybe install shelves in) my office closet. Have to get hubby on board to help! 
3. Meet all work deadlines this month. Last month was ROUGH. I was totally overwhelmed and not checking my calendar really screwed me. I'm already doing much better with it this month so far. 
4. Read 3 books. This is so, so, SO needed because my reading slump struggle has been REAL. And I hate that because I don't feel like myself when I don't read. 
5. Catch up with friends. Time with the girls is good for my soul and boy do I need a little of that lately!
6. Request a day off work. I need a day off that I'm NOT sick, please!

Thanks to Beth for hosting this link up! I think it will be good for me to take time and write out a monthly list of things to work on. 

That's it for my goals for March. Time to get to work! 


  1. Do yourself a favor and book a day off where you do nothing but good and kind things for yourself. ;)

    Happy March!


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